Thursday, June 14, 2007

The innovators at Apple

A great article on why Apple is the most innovative company around today.


Anonymous said...

With apple’s success in the last couple of years you would find it extremely hard to believe that it had practically collapsed nearly a decade ago. With the demand for computers, music and cell phones, the economy shaped the competition that apple was finally able to surpass. How was this done one may ask? Though apple was always wary of bringing in new ideas, they worked off of old models or other company’s existing gadgets to create minimal, clever, and more advanced designs, making them a multi-billion corporation they are today.

The philosophy behind this method, is not necessarily inventing, but constantly improving successful gadgets not only with capabilities, but a design that is simple and easy-to-use.

Anonymous said...

By my count, Apple has released 20 different types of iPod. (My count came from this page:
If more than one iPod was listed in the same month, and it was the same except for its capacity, I counted it as one.) When I saw the second generation shuffle for the first time, I hadn't seen any advertisements for it, but I was able to tell that it was an iPod- the buttons, the color, the shape, were all the same.

Apple's brand recognition is huge. I think that the strategy that has given them the huge brand recognition is also had made them stay with the one button mouse-- when I see a one button mouse, I know it's probably from Apple. This is also consistent with their simplicity philosophy (but not exactly easy-to-use).

Their logo is simple. Their change from the rainbow was smart, it made it simpler and probably matches the era we're in better.

Apple has consistently grabbed new markets. Instead of trying to compete with Microsoft to dominate offices, they've tapped into designers, movie producers, and hipsters.

Anonymous said...

I think that Apple has a lot of good ideas. I think the smartest thing they do is make technology easy to use. A lot of the older generation not familiar with technology can use the same things everyone else does. Also, its hard to believe that Apple almost went bankrupt. Again after almost failure its remarkable that they can draw up the success they have now a days. I think that Apple is smart by reinventing old gadgets. I believe that Apple is a great company and will contunie their success in the future.

Anonymous said...

I believe many people were shocked of Apple’s recent success after almost going bankrupt 10 years ago. I think the hit of the I-Pod is a future sign that this company will enjoy success for many years to come. I recently read an article saying the latest technology is within touch screen devices. Well, Apple is pursuing this with the I-Phone and the I-Pod Touch and achieving it with I believe, great success. I don’t think it’s going too far to say Apple will be the true and lead innovator of technology of the future.

Anonymous said...

I think if I look at the differences between our economy and society today, where Apple flourishes, and the economy and society of 20 years ago, it is very easy for me to see why Apple would almost go bankrupt. The 80's were not nearly as technologically advanced as we are today. My mom only bought her cell phone in 1992.
The smart thing that Apple has done is taken its and other's failed products and reinvented them for todays society.
Their products are also very easy to use, but one thing the article doesn't mention is the fact that the "cuteness" appeals to the masses. I don't think if an HP computer that had an Apple logo on it would see as much as a Macbook. The iPod is much cuter than a regular MP3 player, and Apple has taken advantage of the fact that cute does sell, when they made the iPod mini's and nano's in shades of bright pink, green and blue.

Anonymous said...

there is no doubt that apple has had unbelieveable amounts of sucess. the company has made a huge comeback from its fall with great new products. these days there are very few kids without ipods and soon to be iphones.

i do remember the days of less used and less effecient apple products. in montauk school our computers were all the old blue apples that worked horribly.

it deffinitley can be said that apple has come a long way. im sure their product will continue to be used and get even better along the way.

Anonymous said...

Apple has come up with innovations that are modern and in demand to consumers. the ipod is not a necessity but you see people using them everywhere. they are entertainment to them. apple has gadgets that people want such as computers, ipods, iphones. the technology they offer are easier to created software where you can organize your music buy music and easier. Even a 12-year can use it efficiently and easily. the ipod comes in different sizes and colors...which each person can choose from. someone who like little light ipod can have the ipod mini while others who want bigger and more songs might want the other one. apple even came up with a video ipod but really whose going to be staring at the tiny screen for hours, its mostly because its new technology and people want the latest things that are out.