Thursday, January 04, 2007

Wal-Mart Puts Some Muscle Behind Power-Sipping Bulbs

From the New York Times, part of it's series The Energy Challenge:
As a way to cut energy use, it could not be simpler. Unscrew a light bulb that uses a lot of electricity and replace it with one that uses much less. While it sounds like a promising idea, it turns out that the long-lasting, swirl-shaped light bulbs known as compact fluorescent lamps are to the nation’s energy problem what vegetables are to its obesity epidemic: a near perfect answer, if only Americans could be persuaded to swallow them. But now Wal-Mart Stores, the giant discount retailer, is determined to push them into at least 100 million homes. And its ambitions extend even further, spurred by a sweeping commitment from its chief executive, H. Lee Scott Jr., to reduce energy use across the country, a move that could also improve Wal-Mart’s appeal to the more affluent consumers the chain must win over to keep growing in the United States.
“The environment,” Mr. Scott said, “is begging for the Wal-Mart
business model.”
On a related note, we have not been hurt as much by oil shocks as in the past because we have become more efficient. So probably the reason to become more green in the future is global warning rather than fears of recession (When was the last time it snowed?).
Read the articles, watch the video and comment.
UPDATE (1-7): Why people might not go for fluorescent blubs- It brings up bad thoughts.


Anonymous said...

yay! im glad that big corporations like wal mart are stepping up to the plate to fight global warming. flourescent light bulbs have always been much better for the environment than regular light bulbs, but theyve been in relatively short supply. its great that wal mart is really setting the standard to start the fight against global warming. and you know if walmart has it in stock, it will be easily attainable my just about everyone nation wide considering wal marts popularity.

Anonymous said...

I think its a great idea to advertise these products, doing this will save money and the enviornment. Al Gore in one of his recent movies pushed for these light bulbs which can be found at any home improvement store. Especially with the widespread locations Wal-Mart has this could have an effect on many people and possibly help to save our future. The idea of pushing for enviormentally sufficient items is something that many companies should considering to advertise because it is our future.

Anonymous said...

I read and read and read and liked everything I heard, energy saving, money saving, less pollution and less consumer cost, sadly less revenue for the light bulb makers but the consumer gets to change their light bulbs less often (8 years!, I hate changing my bulbs all the time) and you are saving money and the environment at the same time…seems perfect…”a clear winner for consumers and the environment.” I was thinking economics and environment, and aesthetics barely crossed my mind until I started to realize that the few cons of these new fangled bulbs were the things that mattered most to me. They are weird and ugly looking, and more importantly they give off a harsher light. When I realized that these are the kind of lights that they use in big stores and industrial type places I understood why they weren’t super popular…looks count, and I cant stand the type of light that they use in those kind of places. To have it in my home would make me sick. Like it said in the last article, the incandescent lights are the same type of light as fire and the sun, and it’s a warm and humanly attractive glow that I wouldn’t want to live without. Studying every night by cold fluorescent light wouldn’t cut it for me. Warm light matches my orangish/yellow walls better than cool light would. So as far as the entire country (and world) is concerned, I hope Wal-Mart’s clever marketing techniques continue to work and to save Americans tons of money on bulb costs and energy cost, and more importantly save the environment from pollution and greenhouse gases…but as for me, I’ll stick with the old fashioned way of lighting, because I like it and I like warm light, I like “beautiful sunsets, blush wine, fireside s’mores, and candlelit dinner dates.” And I want every evening to be “an ‘incandescent’ evening.”

Anonymous said...

If people would familiarize themselves with the compact fluorescent bulb, they would realize that by switching from incanescent to fluorescent bulbs, Americans would be saving 3 billion dollars in electricity costs and be avoiding the need to build additional power plants for the equivalent of 450,000 new homes. The advantages of the compact fluorescent are clear, i dont get why people don't want this light bulb. It uses 75% less electricity, lasts 10 times longer, and produces 450 pounds fewer greenhouse gases from power plants. To me, the switch from incandescent bulbs to compact fluorecent is a no-brainer. i hope that wal-marts attempt at saving alot of electricity is sucessful.

Anonymous said...

Its good that flourescent light bulbs are now being pushed to the consumer market now, especially by such an unfluencial and huge corporation such as wal-mart. These bulbs will help homeowners cut back on their electirc bills and help put less strain on the environment by using less energy. Mr. Shack told my class that since he began using them he saw a significant decrease in his electric bill and that the higher cost of the bulbs outweighed the lower cost of the bill. The only downside to this would be if walmarts campaign were to become so successful that the companies only producing incandescent lightbulbs were forced to lay off workers from their factories because of a drop in sales.

Anonymous said...

sean like you honestly change you lightbulbs yourself. This is a joke new lightbulbs whats so wrong with the old ones......oh word that little thing called global warming. This is a great ideal and as you said today 10 bucks for 6 lightbulbs sounds great to me.

Anonymous said...

um yea zach i do...i do have a few chores in my house but i guess you dont...and plus im the tallest one in the household

Mr. Rood said...

You boys can take this discussion outside.

Anonymous said...

we have these new light bulbs at my house and i agree i don't like them because they remind me of school so i personaly would not want to buy them my self but my parents bought them because they do last longer and they are better then the old bulbs as far as saving energy

Anonymous said...

having florescent lights sold in wal-mart is a good thing for both peolple and the enviroment though they may cost more they last longer and of course are a plus for the enviroment and global warming the fact that they are now being sold in wal-mart will allow for more peolpe to buy them and improve the light sources within their household and help improve the enviroment

Anonymous said...

yay environment. I have those light bulbs. my mom saw them on Oprah. (she can sell anything. or give it away.) besides the face that the light isn’t very flattering to anyone, kind of like the lights in the school bathrooms, they’re pretty cool. they’re good for the environment and they make up for the cost in how last they long. what could possibly be wrong with that. and Wal-Mart... they have to keep up their reputation of selling EVERYTHING!