Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Tax on Illegal Drugs

Sometimes when I read something, get to the end of it, I then have to read it again, just because I can't believe it. Tennessee is requiring stamps (you know, like the Stamp Act, or stamps put on cigarettes) to be placed on illegal drugs. If you are caught with illegal drugs and have not complied with the law by putting a stamp on the "package" then you are in BIG trouble. No word yet on if the tax has reduced demand (as it does for other goods) for the illegal drugs.

It could be a really smart idea, or a really dumb one. What do you think?

Respond to this entry only for extra credit- you still need to do a "regular one" this week.


Anonymous said...

This seems to be working out economically for tennessee because of the large amounts of money being brought in. However, I think it undermines the authority of the government because it assumes that people are going to ignore the law and buy drugs anyway. Ideally, no one should be buying or selling drugs because of the law against it. Also it seems like a waste for the purchase of a stamp not to be used against the criminal in court. If there is drug dealer who buys stamps for the drugs that he sells, the fact that he bought the stamps should be used as evidence. Although the revenue is going up, I don't think that the general idea is worth the fact that the government will be taken less seriously.

Anonymous said...

i agree with spencer. I really wish the article had included prices for the stamps, or something like that. I mean, unless it's a really arduous process to get a stamp or they're really expensive, I'm surprised there hasn't been one person busted with drugs that bought a stamp. I also think another effect of this stamp tax is that it may discourage a handfull of possible dealers/buyers from getting into the already risky world of illegal drugs.

Mr. Rood said...

So who is going to call in for a stamp? I'm out.

Anonymous said...

I think its a good idea for the government of tennessee beeing that they are raking in more money than ever it is seriously retarded that they are facilitating a drug habit in their state. And honestly what drug addict is going to find the time to dig the responsibility out of themselves to call for some drug stamps.

Anonymous said...

the drug stamps in Tennessee can be seen as either a tremendously genius idea in that the people who are selling drugs or the people buying them wont actually get a stamp and be caught which allows for more revenue for the state of Tennessee though this idea is insane placing a stamp requirement on illegal drugs the fact that you need to go to obtain a stamp and specify the drug and how much of it you have is just asking to get caught but you wouldn’t have to pay as much because now you have a stamp though this idea seems to be helping out Tennessee is it really logical?

Anonymous said...

this is probably one of the weirdest things that I have ever read. I guess it is a good way to make money off of illegal activity. Now if you are caught breaking the law, your fine will be larger if you don’t have a stamp on your drugs. With the whole Calling in process what kind of personal information do you need to give in order to receive a stamp? Wouldn’t this be an easy way to catch drug dealers, monitor all the stamps purchased?

Anonymous said...

I still think it is funny that people are going to pay money to make something there doing illegal less illegal it is weird. I can understand that the penalty is much greater for tax invasion but still. Overall the taxes seem to be a good idea they raise money, make drugs probably more scarce, and raise the penalties of drugs.

Anonymous said...

So basically the only people this is helping is the government. Whoever came up with idea is very strange, no drug dealer is that stupid to buy that stamp. I think its unfair that they can increase the fine up to ten times though. I guess the idea is working out in the eyes of the people that created it because the government is making a lot of money off of it.

Anonymous said...

It seems like tennessee is making good money off this. It is almost a loop hole in the laws in order for the state to always come out winning above the criminal. Obviously not all people carrying small amounts or large amounts are going to go and buy a stamp and subject themselves to prosecution for drug possesion. Most people who handle drugs do not usually have the same amount from day to day so i dont really know how that works out. I think the best bet for the "drugies" is to pack their bags and migrate to neighboring states.

Anonymous said...

okay mr. rood, its win win for the state. good for Tennessee. well, in class you said that there was a limit or something on the number of fines or how much money someone can be accountable for when prosecuted for drug possession. if the state can find a way to make the most money off someone who is breaking the law, more power to them. i wonder what would happen if you did ask for a stamp without being a stamp collector? do they track the people who buy them. if i was a drug dealer i would buy one stamp to keep with all my drugs and if i was caught id quick run and stamp my drugs. I'm wonder dealer. =) BUT i don't think the Tennessee government is facilitating a drug habit because the stamp doesn't mean drug possession is less illegal. if anything there are more consequences and the people who are intimidated by the fine of not having the stamp will be scared away from dealing. (i don't know what i'm talking about because i don't know anything about drugs! =))

Anonymous said...

mr rooods said "I'm out." what teacher is cooler than that, i mean cmon. and its ridiculous taht we just hear about this now if there are 24 or so other states that have this same tax. i would like to meet someone who got caught with drugs and was pissed they didnt get a stamp on them, or a person who got a stamp and got caught becasue he had the stamp. both would be interesting meetings.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, hands down the best way the state of Tennessee could make money and hopefully reduce the amount of illegal drugs being sold; put a stamp on them! Haha it's really funny to think that you are backing your DRUGS up with stamps! But the only thing I don't understand is, do the people who have a stamp but get caught with the drugs, still get in trouble? I mean they were just doing what the state told them to do. Well either way, it's still a really sneaky idea.. but very smart.

Anonymous said...

wow this law is so weird i wonder who thought of it. and it said in the article that out of the stamps sold, theyve all been stamp collectors, but how do they really know? and if someone buys one to really put them on their "illegal substances," and the govt traces the stamp to someones illegal substances, isnt that kind of like self incrimination? and dont we have a right against self incrimination? does that make sense? hmm

Mr. Rood said...

Oh- I meant that I wasn't going to call in for a stamp because I have no need for one. So "I'm out".

Anonymous said...

This is just completely bizarre. How can one have a stamp on an illegal substance. By buying the stamp the goverment can find people who are selling illegal drugs, and the biggest drug dealers are not stupid enough to buy this stamps. The best the goverment can do is charge a bigger fee when a person is found with drugs

Anonymous said...

This seems to be working out well for tennessee because of the large amounts of money being brought in maby some other states should do it. It is a very abstract idea but I guess the idea is working out in the way the people who thought it intended for it to because the government is making a lot of money off of it.

Anonymous said...

The whole concept of the drug stamp is a little rediculous. It obviously benefits the state, since it either gains money from the sale of the stamp or from the increased fine from un-stamped drugs, but honestly who would buy this? I'm sure collectors would want one for their collection, but how many stamp collectors do you need to make a real profit? The only other people who would theoretically buy stamps are drug dealers. If someone is a known dealer he definitely isn't going to go and buy a stamp saying that he has drugs, he's just asking to get arrested.

Anonymous said...

This is great idea, they know people are gonna be buying/selling illegal drugs no matter what they do to try to stop it so they might as well cash in. And now this way Tennessee can really screw over someone they find with illegal drugs and doesnt have the stamp cause tax evasion is big time so they know most people are gonna wanna get the stamp and not risk getting caught with out it, its brilliant. Tennessee stays hustling drugies