Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fresh or Fake?

Big business wars in the Christmas Tree Industry. Should you get a "fresh" "harvested" tree or a "plastic" "renewable" tree? This is big bucks. And both are appealing to the eco-green urge. How about eco-green ornaments like the pigs above? Full Disclosure- the Rood household buys balled, live trees to replant. Expensive, a pain in the xxx, but an heirloom on my property, from my perspective.


Anonymous said...

We always get a real tree and decorate it ourselves. Part of the fun of Christmas is picking out that "special" tree and putting all the ornaments and lights on it. I think buying a plastic tree that you just set up every year takes some of the magic out of Christmas, these days everyone's so concerned about "convenience" and "time-saving." But Christmas shouldn't be rushed and simplified!

Anonymous said...

Fake plastic trees are an insult to the christmas season. Christmas isnt about saving money by not buying a tree every year, or buying the biggest brightest-colored aluminum tree. It's about spending time with your family, picking out a tree, and decorating it with things that remind you of the christmas season. I think that aluminum trees just perpetuate the commercialism of the christmas season.

Anonymous said...

My family normally purchases a real tree with the ball also. The only bad part about that is all of the needles that come off of the tree and need to be swept up daily. They seem to look better though and it just doesn't seem right to recycle a Christmas tree. I think we will always get the real trees but who knows maybe there will be really good fake one in the years to come. I did however see a fake white Christmas tree which was a new sight to me. It looked kind of cool, strange, but cool. It would have been nice this year since we didn't get any snow.

Anonymous said...

I am a firm believer in real Christmas trees! To me, Christmas isn't Christmas without the trip to the tree place and that great pine smell in your home. And for people who whine about the pine needles, why don't they ask for a dustbuster for Christmas? I couldn't agree with Sonya more: Christmas shouldn't be rushed and made artificial. And seriously, who ARE these people who want BLACK Christmas trees?! If its even possible, I think they actually sound worse than the sparkly white kind they used to sell at Treasure Island. ick!

Anonymous said...

wow! I can imagine putting up a fake tree. ever. yeah it take time and energy but the time is spent with your family and the energy is driven by the spirit of the season, and money... well its just worth the money and while over time you spend more getting a new fresh tree every year who spends 399 for an ugly fake tree? real trees are good for the environment, plastic trees, or whatever they are made off, become wasted resources and just straight up waste. the last thing we need is more garbage and less conversion of co2. =) i love Christmas and I have to say I had the best Christmas tree this year. presents shouldn’t be disgraced by being placed under a fake tree

Anonymous said...

Wow. The Christmas tree industry is becoming even more intense than politics, with all the name calling. First off, why would anyone want a black Christmas tree? That's like celebrating the anti-christ. No matter what artificial tree manufacturers do, they'll never be able to beat the pure sentimental value you get from a real tree. I dont care about bubbles in the trunk of my tree, or having the lights pre-installed, the putting up of lights is just as important to Christmas as opening presents. I'm surprised artificial tree manufacturers haven't tried to add the smell of real trees to their plastic replicas. For the 500+ dollars these people are spending on fake trees, they could just hire someone to take care of their real tree.

Mr. Rood said...

I am not sure the anti-christ buys a black xmas tree.

Anonymous said...

My family buys a tree with a ball and we plant it in our yard after. This is increases our utility because we gain more privacy and oxygen, both which makes my family very happy. We also have a fake white tree that we set up every year. We keep this in the basement and put on adorable blue ornaments and everything looks really cute cause it matches with the room. HA!

Anonymous said...

I think fake trees are lame. Part of the fun and excitement of Christmas is picking out the REAL tree each year. There are a lot of things people can recycle a Christmas tree should not be one of them. Typically people dont store their fake trees in the hall closet. Getting the tree from the basement or the attic or where ever and than waiting for it to go back to its intended shape seems like an unneccessary hassle. The little extra time and money is worth it to me in the long run in order to keep Christmas right.