Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Creative Destruction

Technological change does create museum pieces. Gone is the token in favor of the Metrocard. So it goes for the mechanical parking meter. Try finding a typewriter cartridge. White out anyone? How about a cash lane at toll booths. Schumpeter's Creative Destruction at work here.


Anonymous said...

wow this makes me so mad parking meter knobs were the joy of my childhood! (and thus they increased my utlity, level of happiness, and quality of life economically speaking) What's next, the Cyclone gets modernized? Oy

Anonymous said...

Hahaha Joe you're too much.
I often take the benefits of creative destruction for granted and forget how new technology replacing the old makes my life so much more convenient. It was really frustrating when my dad forgot our EZPass and we had to wait so much longer in the "cash" lane when we drove to Pennsylvania over the vacation. Some oldschool stuff like typewriters and rotary phones are fun and I wish that they were still around but overall I am much happier with EZ Pass and Metrocards and everything else today that I'm willing to let old technology go into museums.