Monday, November 27, 2006

The True Cost of 12 Days of Christmas

The cost of each of the gifts in the "Twelve Days of Christmas" song are up 3% this year. I am working on other holiday classics. Annoying supplements here.


Anonymous said...

It makes sense that it's more expensive for the cost of gifts this year than last year. Inflation is accountable for a large part of the increase. As for he rise in labor costs for skilled workers outstripping inflation, it's simply because there are less dancers and musicians available today. Since kids are being pushed more and more to go to college and get a well paying conventional job such as becoming a doctor or lawyer, less people are trying to make a living out of playing an instrument. Therefore, when musicians are needed, they're harder to find, and because there's less of them they're more highly demanded, therefore they're more expensive to hire.

Anonymous said...

I never realized how expensive the 12 days of christmas are! That's crazy! Because of the higher demand, those dancers and musicians can charge pretty much whatever they want. It's really sad to think that the only service provider on that list that didnt have a cost increase, was the maids-a-milking, who are still earning minimum wage.. I dont know very many people who would want to milk a cow, so if i were those women, I would demand a raise!And for the partridge in the pear tree.. well there's really no need for the tree, the bird is pretty enough.

Anonymous said...

I never knew there was that much economnics to the 12 days of christmas. It makes sense that the skilled days are getting more expensive, and the maids a milking are getting paid the same, but the poor maids a milking are loosing out, and the minimum wage should be raised. I like the website, it makes my more sense now.

Anonymous said...

Well Mr. Rood its nice to see that your getting into the festive spirit, and I have to admit I understand this concept much better now that it has been explained through a holiday classic. The unskilled labor is cheep and so over the years it has stayed at minimum wage and animals well they are just being raised for selling so their prices aren't going to increase that much. They get you with the skilled performers these days, which is where you lose most of your money. As for me I think ill save my money and just read the book again.

Anonymous said...

Actually purchasing the gifts in the 12 days of Christmas never really occurred to me, and it's pretty funny that someone's observing this so closely. Some of the price changes are interesting- the fact that swans are cheaper than 22 years ago, but geese are a lot more expensive, and other trivial things like that. As for the growing cost of entertainment-based gifts, I think that would be in large part due to the limited venues for dancers/pipers etc. I would not argue that there is a limited amount of people seeking jobs in these fields, since a lot of entertainers struggle and fight to make it - meaning that there is usually a surplus of people looking for a job in that area (there's also arguably the question of their talent level as well). But of course, it does take a lot more skill than milking a cow (which can be done by a machine can't it?), and that's reflected in the CPI of the 12 days of Christmas.

Mr. Rood said...

Fa La La La La.

Anonymous said...

It never occured to me how much the 12 days of christmas cost. It makes sense that the skilled workers, like dancers are getting more expensive, and the maids a milking are getting paid the same, because who really needs someone to milk their cow ! haha but i do feel bad for them because they r being underpaid.

Mr. Rood said...

The maids a milking need to go to dance school, and outsource tending to the cows, or hope the Democrats raise the minimum wage.

Anonymous said...

Its funny to think of the effects of inflation spread all the way to the holiday song, 12 days of christmans. With the skilled people having their wages sky rocket and the labor force working at minimum wage it is amazing to see the inflation affecting every aspect of our life. With skilled craftsmen on a low in the real world due to the rise in conventional jobs, its hard to see why someone doing a job as tedious as milking a cow is only recieving the minimum pay. If I was a milk maid I would seriously consider finding a new job.

Anonymous said...

i never thought of the 12 days of christmas through the an economic picture but it all clearly makes sense how it wors. that due to inflation most of the 12 days have risen in price and the skilled jobs/days have also due to there being less of a supply of those certain jobs within soceity

Anonymous said...

I never really understood where the 12 days of Christmas came from but now I understand the economics of it. The unskilled labor is cheap and it stays the minium wage. The skilled labor make the most and the maids-a-milking suck. It cost more for a stupid bird in a tree than a maid a milking haha.

Anonymous said...

I never realized how expensive the 12 days of christmas were and that there was so much economics involved. The poor maid-a-milking is making minimum wage. I bet there are few people looking to milk cows i bet if those maids got together they could get a raise.