Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sorry, I couldn't help myself

"All I know is that the only thing they'll be talking about in the city of New York for the remainder of the season is National League Baseball."- Omar Minaya


Anonymous said...

Well congratulations to the Mets. They are working really hard for their wins and they deserve to do well this season. But im not a mets fan so.....Go Yanks, whooo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its just said though, I was really hopping for a subway sires but my Yankees choked and Tory should stay, he is not the one who swings the bat, so should A-rod because who else can put up the numbers he puts up (though he better get his head screwed on right) and Jeter is just the best ball player out there, he really is something else. When he was asked if this was his best season ever, he replies, “Only if we win”. To conclude, GO METS