Sunday, October 29, 2006

Clock Changing Time

Why do we change our clocks in the fall and in the spring? Maybe it has somethinhg to do with economics?


Anonymous said...

It is a good idea to change the daylight savings time in 2007 in order to save 300,000 barrels of oil. But if this has been going on since 1784 how come no one had realized that til now? I would also have to agree with Dr. Monk that the physical impact of the switchback can linger for at least a week; especially if you forget to set some of your clocks back.

Anonymous said...

I thought daylight savings time also had something to do with farmers, because they wanted more light in the morning to get up and work earlier or something like that. Let me know if that is true or not (if you know). And also, I dont exactly get why changing the time conserves it because we are awake for more daylight so we use less electicity? It seems that by changing it back in the fall we are asleep during more daylight in the morning and need more light in the early evening when it gets dark so early. Please explain.

Anonymous said...

The time change is a very annoying thing...but if moving it one month earlier and extending it for an extra wek will conserve electricity and save an estimated 300,000 barrels of oil a year then I think they should go for it.

Anonymous said...

It's truly remarkable how much difference an hour can make on the economy, and I never knew the gov't could move the date of daylight savings time around! (I feel pretty ignorant) But anyhow, from dairy farmers to airport operators to the amount of oil that could be saved if the daylight saving time is moved, the sheer scope of the effects of daylight savings time is just hard to imagine, but makes a lot of sense if you think about it lond enough. I guess we'll all be eating extra protein tomorrow morning...

Anonymous said...

I never knew that the Daylight savings time was also introduced to conserve electricty, I always thougth it we just rolled the clock up to give farmers a longer day to work with on their crops. But I think that next year instead of 1hr forward we should make it 5hrs forward, because then people that party at night, what does that mean? It means the Sun's rising at noon. well guess who doesn't feel like a idiot everymorning when they wake up "O the sun's just now coming up, i guess i might mail a letter and get groceries today."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Saving Daylight Savings Time To Save Electricity Is Smart I Guess. The Economy Should Be Benefitted Properly Hopefully. Its An Idea Better Than Just Saving Candles. 300 Barrels Of Oil A Year Saved, Sounds Like My Gas Prices Should Go Down?!

Anonymous said...

It is so strange that some states in our country do not change there clocks it seems like it would mess everything up. I think they should all fall back and spring forward so there is atleast more consistency in between time zones.

Anonymous said...

wow i really didnt know that day light savings meant saving so much oil. i agree with pushing the date back farther for next year, and people shouldnt complain about it if it saves so much energy. so what some people get extra jet lagged, theyll get over it. and the cows can adjust too. its worth it.

Anonymous said...

i think it is amazing how a change of dayligts savings time could save so many barrels of oil and save energy and also the fact that the government has control of when daylight savings time happens

Anonymous said...

i never knew that you could save 300 barells of oil a year just by changing the clocks. i never really understood why they did daylight savings, but now it makes sense. true its annoying to have to have your body adjust to the time change, but like dr. timothy monk said, just go to sleep an hour earlier.

Anonymous said...

Yeah thats crazy how daylight savings saves so many barrels of oil. It's also wierd that some states don't observe it. That would deffinitly make things confuuuusiiiing. = P

Anonymous said...

I agree that saving energy i smore important then an extra hour of sleep. If we can save an estimated 300,000 barrels of oil a year, then for me its is no problem that Daylight Saving Time will begin one month earlier in 2007 and will continue for an extra week.

Anonymous said...

I never knew the importance of daylight savings time. I always was happy when we would fall back and sad when we would spring forward. The amount of oil a simple one hour change can save is surreal. When we are sleeping we don't use that much electricity. There are less hours of light in the fall so daylight savings time gives us an extra hour of sleep to keep our lights off. In the spring it is the opposite since there are more hours of light. I am in favor of any time shift to save energy as long as I can get a good night of sleep.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Cow's have milking routines? And they can get messed up just because of an hour difference? We have some tempermental cows...or farmers. But the part about the electricity and oil saved is incredible! And in my opinion, certainly worth it. One thing I don't understand though is how people get so messed up from falling back...I can understand how it happens from springing forward because we lose an hour of sleep, but when the time falls back, we get an extra hour. So WHO ARE these people who are getting their internal time clocks out of whack over falling back? I also thought the sidenote about how it would decrease child pedestrian deaths on Halloween was interesting.