Friday, September 15, 2006

Many Labor Workers Wary of Future with Ford

Ford's union workers are faced with the choice of leaving the company with a buyout or hanging on in a newly precarious industry. Even if many decide to stay on, Ford's restructuring will diminish the clout of the once-mighty United Auto Workers. Listen to this report or this one and answer the following:
How is this about comparative advantage and creative destruction?
Opportunity Costs?
What are the Human costs?


Anonymous said...

I think that the workers for Ford should accept a buyout since it does not look like Ford will be able to compete in the auto industry, espescially with the rise of Toyota. Because Ford is decreasing its work force it will greatly decrease the amount of product it can produce and sell although they will not have to pay for the workers which will help a little bit.

Anonymous said...

I think that the workers for Ford should accept a buyout since it does not look like Ford will be able to compete in the auto industry, espescially with the rise of Toyota. Because Ford is decreasing its work force it will greatly decrease the amount of product it can produce and sell although they will not have to pay for the workers which will help a little bit.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Marley it looks like Ford workers are just gonna have to excpet a buy out when it comes there way fighting it doesn't appear like it would turn out good for them or the company. I think they should take the money and handle the problem from there which for most it seems would either be retireing or starting a new career seeing as if they try to fight it the deal being offered to them now might not be as good the second time around.