Friday, September 15, 2006

The Wealth Effect

In our community, shocking real estate prices are an art form. Check out how much the market price is for your house at this website, and consider: how does a rising market price for real estate change consumption? Has your family changed in spending patterns? Look at the graphs. Does it correlate with the economy?


Anonymous said...

This site is interesting, though I think the changes it estimates are a little drastic (apparently my house went up in value over $350k this year, which I really don't think happened). I admit to not really knowing that much about the economy currently, but the shifts in the economy directly affect a portion of my family's income. What furniture my dad decides to carry in his stores reflects, for the most part, the status of the economy. Logically, when the economy is 'better,' the more expensive furniture sells; when it's on a downswing, the stores carry more of the less expensive furniture. I know that in the upcoming season, they're most likely to switch from the current price bracket back to a lower one. This change is paralleled by the graphs this site shows on housing values- even though they graphs show a general increase, we're currently on a decline.

Anonymous said...

I found this site very entertaining. Seeing values of my property and that of other properties near me was entertaining. The real estate value in the hamptons has risen which encourages spending. When real estate is increasing people are more confident because the price of their house is more. Real estate increase is good but it only increases one's wealth potentially which causes immature spending. An increase in real estate can cause irresponsible spending since it only increases the value of something we own.

Anonymous said...

I found this site very entertaining. Seeing values of my property and that of other properties near me was entertaining. The real estate value in the hamptons has risen which encourages spending. When real estate is increasing people are more confident because the price of their house is more. Real estate increase is good but it only increases one's wealth potentially which causes immature spending. An increase in real estate can cause irresponsible spending since it only increases the value of something we own.

Anonymous said...

I found this site very entertaining. Seeing values of my property and that of other properties near me was entertaining. The real estate value in the hamptons has risen which encourages spending. When real estate is increasing people are more confident because the price of their house is more. Real estate increase is good but it only increases one's wealth potentially which causes immature spending. An increase in real estate can cause irresponsible spending since it only increases the value of something we own.

Anonymous said...

I found this site very entertaining. Seeing values of my property and that of other properties near me was entertaining. The real estate value in the hamptons has risen which encourages spending. When real estate is increasing people are more confident because the price of their house is more. Real estate increase is good but it only increases one's wealth potentially which causes immature spending. An increase in real estate can cause irresponsible spending since it only increases the value of something we own.