Friday, December 07, 2007

Educational Performance Incentives in Florida

Just the thought of a happy meal makes me want to hit the books and study. Click the image to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone else remember the commercials where you could go to Chuckie Cheese's and get more tokens with a good report card?

At least that wasn't printed on the actual report card itself.

Congrats! You get an 'A'! Reward yourselves with something that 'health concious' Americans condemn every day - fast food. How does our country keep making these bizarre connections?

Although, in the same way, this isn't as infuriating as cell phones or monetary rewards. At least this prize is crap. (especially since a Happy Meal is like, $5. Seriously.)

And what about parents who don't want their kids eating McDonald's? They lose as well.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes incentives are needed in order to get people to do things. But I don't agree with this incentive because it's promoting something bad. As we all know McDonald's food is very bad, and when children are being rewarded with a happy meal it's teaching children that eating unhealthy food is okay. Instead of trying to reward children with happy meals, these schools should come up with another incentive, something healthy or something the children can benefit from.

Anonymous said...

in 9th grade i took child psychology.. and just about the only thing i remember is mrs. tetrault drilling into our minds that a child should NEVER be rewarded with food. I guess old McDonnald didn't take child psychology...


Anonymous said...

get good grades. get unhealthy food. this technique is teachin gchildren that fast food is healthy when it can cause obesity. this can cause children not to tell the difference between healthy food and non healthy food.

Anonymous said...

... This actually could make some people get better grades only in order to spare themselves from the torture that is having a school essentially sponsored by fast food chains; the entire idea of having advertisements on the gym walls and the athletic fields simply disgusts me with the irony. Have the people in Seminole heard about the growing child obesity problem? If not then I think someone should fix that.

Anonymous said...

I think it's kinda stupid to give kids an incentive for getting good grades, shouldn't the potential success achieved with going through college and getting a good job be enough of a motivation for kids, apparently not. We continue to get more and more spoiled and will eventually want an incentive to show up at school.

Anonymous said...

The Parents of these children should lighten up. The jacket is a bit much but nothing is forcing them to eat at McDonalds. If you don’t want your kid to eat there then don’t let him or her, and if you want to eat somewhere quick then your kid got a free meal. These parents think an imaginary Ronald McDonald is challenging their influence. They are over-reacting.

Anonymous said...

haha ok seriously...what kid is going to try hard all marking period for ONE happy meal?? that's a really awful incentive. Fewer kids like happy meals than we think. And what if they are a vegetarian? I wouldn't try hard for months to get fries and a drink. no thanks. Another pathetic attempt to motivate children to learn. Let's of knowledge...or love of happy meals??

Anonymous said...

Our society can not condemn fast food and then go around and provide children with the very food they mean to get rid of. By rewarding children with McDonald's, society is, in a way, telling kids that it is okay to disregard their teachings. The school board is a hypocrite when they teach the danger of obesity and cholesterol regarding fast, greasy food, and then provide their children a free insight to these dangers. I strongly disagree with what this school is doing.

Anonymous said...

wow, this is like the paying kids for their grades article, but now we can pay kids with fat. yes, america is wonderful place.

k-5th grade is one of the most crucial stages in establiching good eating habits in children. so if we are encouraging them to eat at Mc Donalds during these years, what types of eating habits are they learning? i don't care if there are healthy side dishes. Mc Donalds is Mc Donalds and even if the kids do order the "healthy" sides, they are still ingrainging that Mc Donalds is a good place to eat in their minds. so years from now they will all be eating Mc Donalds food and weigh 300 pounds more than they should. Thank you public education.

and why does it stop at 5th grade? b/c after 5th grade kids start to become wise to the advertisement world and aren't so easily fooled. so McDonalds decied to hit them up while they are young, innocent, and stupid.

when will the education system see that rewards like food, money, and cell phones are just plain stupid and bad for the children? i'll be waiting for the next dumb incentive idea. what next? reward kids with AK47's. it's as responsible as all the other ideas.

Anonymous said...

this idea seems to put the parents in a tough situation as they dont want their children eating mcdonalds but they do want them getting good grades. i thought through such health warnings in news and movies(Super Size Me) that people would realize the danger behind fast food by now. but apparently the message has not been properly delivered as schools now are trying to feed their students this harmful food.

Anonymous said...

did anyone catch in the fine print: "Cash value of 1/20 of one cent."

does that mean a happy meal is actually worth so little and the profit margin is just really high? i know that's the case with starbucks drinks..

kids are going to eat mcdonalds if they like to/parents allow them to eat mcdonalds. i don't think this marketing ploy is going to cause a kid or family to go out of their way to eat at a mcdonalds or that this incentive is really going to make kids try harder. i stand on this issue neutrally/apathetically

Anonymous said...

It's similar to the other article we read with money for good grades. Except this one gets you a free meal. I think the only problem with this is that McDonald's food isn't healthy. Remember when we watched the movie in gym 3 years ago about a guy who ate McDonald's food for a month.
I also think they stole the idea from Chuckie Cheese's.

Anonymous said...

its a good way for McDonalds to boost their sales, however I dont think its beneficial to the children or their parents. If children are recieve incentives for good grades, it should be something thats safe and beneficial to everyone. The reward is immoral, and besides; who wants their kids eating so much McDonalds?

Anonymous said...

The incentive deffinately has good intentions for education, however they're not doing such a good job with the prizes. If McDonald's wants to help promote good grades and attendance they should do so in a different way, not by giving kids unhealthy food. Obesity at a young age has become a major issue, and McDonald's is teaching kids the wrong eating habits, and deffinately giving parents a hard time trying to get their kids to eat healthy. And by giving children choices for the happy meal does not make a big difference because most children will always choose fries over sliced apples, or soda over milk.