Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Since we are studying GDP

GDP is one measure of well being. The image above gives you a bit of an idea about the distribution of GDP

Alternative Measures to GDP include a Green GDP and you can measure yours in the following Consumer Consequences game.


Anonymous said...

only 2.4 earths!!

that picture looks like the world in a blender. or one of those things that you paint and it spins around.

Anonymous said...

4.4 earths. ehhh, i beat mr. rood on the eco-friendly scale. ;)

this is a really amazing website. i had no idea that my lifestyle was so potentially harmful to earth.

it makes me think about how world peace advocates and so on want to help out third world countries and make them more modern. sure it's the moral thing to do, to try and improve people's lives, but it looks like the world can't sustain everyone being happy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it does look likes it's in a blender. I find it funny how small Japan is in real life yet on this map it's huge. If you look at the western hemisphere the U.S. is so big that if you combined the other countries it still doesn't make the size of the U.S.

J said...

i needed 5.8 earths to sustain my lifestyle-- and i don't even own a car! My greatest impact was from electricity usage (though i'm not sure i plugged in the info correctly). this wasn't really a fun game; it was more depressing. I mean, i think of myslef of being pretty enviro-concious, but i'm really not! This game really enforces that notion that we should do "everything in moderation"--if everyone did that, we'd be a lot better off. I just bought two halogen lightbulbs-- but i should have bought eight...

Anonymous said...

this is disgusting. I use 8.1 Earths per year! I recycle and turn off all the lights not needed in the house, but I think because I don't bike ride a lot and because I have a bigger heating and electricity bill than the average New York home that it certainly raises the amount of Earths I use. And as for the image, the United States has the biggest GDP because most people have very comfortable lifestyles compared to other countries.

Anonymous said...

i used up 6.4 earths. i think that's very bad, and my family and i should do something to change this. we should try to recycle more, and maybe remember to turn off all the lights before we leave the house.

Anonymous said...

man, 7.9 earths. what got me the worst was the transportation, probably the truck that gets about 11 miles per gallon at best.

its hard to think that if everyone were like you the world wouldn’t be able to support your lifestyle. you may not feel like your really doing anything wrong with how you fulfill your day, but you may be harming the earth in the process. in these circumstances you actually have to be grateful that people less fortunate than you or people that are living to greatly benefit the earth are allowing the world to function.

Anonymous said...

5.4 that makes me feel kind of bad...
i always turn the water off when i'm brushing my teeth though.

Anonymous said...

It told me my shopping habits were pretty bad...though I don't think they are. For some reason my house doesnt use much electricity. Probably because we don't have AC? I'm not sure... but we pretty much recyle EVERYTHING and dont drive alot. And it was still 2.4 earths! This could definitely constitute an argument for keeping many countires "third-world." After all, what if everyone DID live like Americans?

Anonymous said...

6.5 earths. thats alot. But, considering the fact that i live with 12 siblings we use alot of things. We buy more groceries than the average family, we cook more than the average family and our family is bigger than average! i kinda feel bad that we use alot of stuff to sustain us because to think what we are doing to the earth.

I defintley agree gwen that it looks like a blender or a funnel like the earth is being sucked out and is not going to last much longer.

Anonymous said...

8.2 earths! If everyone was like me, we would be screwed. I was in a little bit of a hurry though and i don't know if all of my information was correct. Hopefully it was not, cause I did pretty bad. For being the president of the environmental awarness club, I don't do too good of a job protecting the environment. I need to improve a lot. I think my worst was transportation. I drive around a lot. Im going to take this little quiz again soon and I'll see if I've improved.

Anonymous said...

6.0 earths for, transportation and home statistics is what really made my score so high due to having high bills and driving a non fuel efficient car. It's wierd how wasteful we are compared to those that are less fortunate in other countried how probably use .1 earths. Good thing they're there to kind of balance it out.

Anonymous said...

2.9 earths. I mean, that sounds so much less then everyone else- but I think that it can also be lack of income. My mom is constantly on everyone's butt on turning of lights and not using excessive power. We use a fireplace instead of heat, and we recycle basically everything. The biggest downfall for me was the lack of public transportation. But we're not really in a situation where it's accesible, or easy, to take the bus (or the train) all the time. It's still pretty humbling though.

Anonymous said...

4.2 earths ... wow that's really sad. i kind of guessed though on some stuff so hopefully we're not really that bad. I never ever take public transportation and drive way too much. This is really scary that each person needs multiple earths to sustain their living habits. If we don't change our ways, we will destroy the earth in the very near future.

Anonymous said...

3.2 earths, ho hum
but that's minus the elec, water, oil prices i didn't bother to ask bonnie about (typical lazy american)

oh well, we'll all be dead in a nuclear disaster before any of this catches up with us

Anonymous said...

Needing several earths is a scary thought. Having the amount of 4 earths of people living on earth is impossible. This would never be able to happen because of the difference between the rich and the poor. Everyone can not fulfill their desires.

Anonymous said...

7.0 earths!. This is scary, we all just take everything for granted, we don't realize how much damage we can make to the earth. It is also pretty scary to see how small Africa looks in the map, and how big other countries look, but I guess this is what keeps us from destroying the world, because if everyone lived the like we do, the earth would be destroyed by now.

Anonymous said...

that is insane 5 womder there is such a big gap between the rich and the poor

Anonymous said...

if everyone lived like us i guess we would be experiencing some kind a self-destruction here on earth. we don't releaize how much money we spend on useless items. some items that people in order countries haven't even heard of i bet some people in africa have never heard of a ipod, they dont have time for that all they have time for is how they are going to support their family and if they are going to be able have a descent meal that day. i bet if an american tried to live the lifestyle of a African for a week they would not be able to.

Anonymous said...

4.9! That's really sad and it's worse that my eating habits are what brought it up so high. If everyone ate like me, we would need a lot more earths. My shopping and driving habits were just a little bit better.