Friday, May 11, 2007

Welker's Wikinomics

Jason Welker, AP Econ Teacher at the Shanghai American School is obviously ahead of the educational curve, very energetic and enthusiastic, and the kind of person who is moving the LRAS to the right, at least with High School kids. Check out his blog and Wiki here.
A Note to my guests-
This is a moderated blog, that is open for commentary only by my students. Anonymous or unverifyable posts will be a waste of your time and mine. If I get too much stuff that wastes my time in my email, I will take it to a password protected site, thus depriving us of the sharing of our thoughts with you. Please respect that, as I link this blog to other sites.
Thank you.

1 comment:

Jason Welker said...

Thanks for the kind words, Mr. Rood. In fact, I find your blog quite interesting and have already linked it to my own. Hopefully my next group of AP students will become readers and contributors to the growing world of Economics blogs!