Monday, May 07, 2007

A penny for your wings?

A good article on the one of the functions of fiat money- acceptability.


Anonymous said...

I believe that all currency, pennies or not, should be accepted. The fact that it was a nuisance was not, atleast to me, a viable excuse to refuse money. Although in the future I would like to see a change from hard currency to a full liquid system. Until then though this is a serious problem. The point about homeless people being the ones affected is a concern that must be taken into account. I know that whenever I purchase anything and recieve change I tend to just not care about it no matter how much i recieve so I could see a restaurants point but still when your operating as a bussiness money is money. They could easily take it to the bank and exchange it for bills or other forms.

Anonymous said...

That person was just lazy and racist. It was only 10 pennies, its not that big of a deal. But that guy should hit up coin star or roll his coins.

Anonymous said...

I believe that it wasnt right for the restaurant to not accept the pennies. I believe to run a successful business you should accept all forms of your currency including pennies. Accepting the pennies would make you $2.75 but saying no to the pennies makes you lose your customers business. Its good that the customer and employee made up and they went with their lives.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe someone would be that picky about 10 pennies. how hard is it to count change? on the other hand, i think mr. jones made a way bigger deal about it than he should have. if he had bigger bills, why not just use them?

Anonymous said...

There shouldn't be any type of business that doesn't except any kind of US currency. For the cashier to not except the 10 pennies wasn't right. Since pennies have the least value, some people don't want to have them. I had given my younger brother a few dollars in change, which included some pennies and he was embarrassed when I made him go to the store to buy me candy. I don't have a problem with using pennies to buy stuff but I do have a limit on how many pennies I would use at once. It’s about 15.