Saturday, April 21, 2007

Why should we stay?

Let's be honest, but it is a provacative thought-
The reason that the US should stay in Iraq has been posted here.
But at what cost?


Anonymous said...

Weve already screwed up enough for now and I think once the job is done in Iraq we should get out. Staying would only anger more people, and especially because its for oil, with the new fad about actually caring about the environment, I dont think the American people would approve of staying longer than we have to. Though if we maintain good relations with the Iraq governement, we may be able to benefit from their huge amount of reserves, and this may help us lighten the debt we have from the war by using that oil instead of paying to import it.

Anonymous said...

yea, after all the diry work we have already done and all the effort we have put into this, why leave a treasure like that just sitting there?

Anonymous said...

o and look how relatively low our own production has been since the 70's. ive heard we have quite large reserves that we arent using yet, which is nice to know

Anonymous said...

I think it is pretty rediculous that at a time of pure chaos they decide to start investigating for oil reserves? Secondly, I just cant believe we are actually looking into this reserves when Iraq is under its current political turmoil. If we were smart, we would start investing our money into alternative fuel sources instead of fueling a war in a country that MAY have potentially accessible oil reserves...

Anonymous said...

Oil is good. My car runs on gas. I do not like expensive gas. Cheaper gas is good. Might as well get oil since the united states is already there. The US should just do whatever they want anywhere in the world. Seriously i cant pay more than $3.00 a gallon. =(

Anonymous said...

Going up to Quinnipiac this weekend i thought that gas prices would be very low, i was wrong at 3.31 a gallon you had to pay just about a arm and a leg to fill up an SUV. We need to find new fuel that runs easier. THe ferry was also 75$ one way, it was 50 bucks 4 weeks ago. I would propose that the world for 1 month doesnt uses cars or gas, this would cause great decreases in prices, and good for the environment.