Saturday, April 28, 2007

In Apparel, All Tariffs Aren’t Created Equal


Anonymous said...

i found this article to be very interesting. i never would have though that the same articles of clothing are taxed differently depending on gender. I could understand different taxes on different articles but because the sex of the person that is going to wear it, to me that was odd.

Anonymous said...

well that makes sense about the shoes. i mean girls do love their fancy shoes.but it is most certainly understandable that they are taxing according to buying habits to maximize the revenue they bring in. and try to discourage buying products from overseas

Anonymous said...

I have never considered the tariffs on clothing articles and how they may diferentiate from one person to another but this tariff seems rediculous. Its insane that a woman who prefers to wear a cotton tshirt as opposed to a silk shirt is charged less. Although this is annoying it makes alot of sense and is very clever in increasing domestic revenue but it is also very similar to the statistical information in which insurance companies base their rates on.