Friday, March 30, 2007

Subprime Loans

Are subprime loans a good thing or a bad thing? You decide.


Anonymous said...

Good. They help t ostimulate the economy by allowing people who wouldnt otherwise be able to get a loan access to capitol. This while having its risks increases growth and gives the banks more profits who will then turn around and spend these profits further stimulating the economy.

Anonymous said...

Subprime loans are def. a good thing. They help to regulate, and give loans to people that wouldnt normally be able to recieve. This could also be bad for our econlmy because if loans are givin to people who cannot pay back, well you know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

i think they are a good thing there will always be a risk but there is still a risk in giving a loan to anyone even if they have very good credit at least this gives people the chance they may need to prove they can be trusted to payback the loan a chance that many banks would not be willing to give

Anonymous said...

although subprime loans are good and can open many opportunities for first time home owners, they can also be bad when people are unaware of the changing price or when the broker takes advantage of the customer because of his/her need of the loan.

Anonymous said...

sub prime loans a GREAT. the help put things good and let people take loans to get a house or to start a buisness.

Anonymous said...

I think subprime loans are a good thing. Loans can be risky because there's the chance that a person can't pay it all back, however the gain far outweighs the risk because those people who do succeed using the money they borrowed will increase money in the economy.

Anonymous said...

Even though there are many risks behind subprime loans, they are a good thing to the economy. It gives people an opportunity to own a house or even start their own business. It also stimulates the economy by increasing the amount of money.

Anonymous said...

subprime loans are definetly a good thing. even though it may be bad if not everyone can pay them back, all in all theyre a positive for the economy. giving out loans to people who normally wouldnt have access to this money gives them an oppurtunity to spend money which boosts the economy.

Anonymous said...

Subprime loans are a good thing. If banks didn't supply sub-prime loans a lot of people would not even have the opportunity to start a business or buy a house or something. This helps the economy because it increases the flow of moeny.

Anonymous said...

Subprime loans a re good thing but can be risky there good because they allow people who normally wouldn't get loans get them though they are risky because there is a possibility that the individuals receiving the loans wont be able to repay which in know way would improve the economy