Monday, March 05, 2007

Join the Academic Team and become a US Senator


Anonymous said...

Schumer talks about the academic teams defeat like it was a huge loss in his life. Obviously this TV sho and a team were very important to him as he still goes to anivarsaries. He has deffinetly become an important person in our country. So I guess academic team is sort of a stepping stone to success or atleast it was for this state senator.

Anonymous said...

Although no one can deny that Chuck Schumer has a very successful life, I would have to argue that he would have been better off spending his time playing competetive team sports in high school. Athletics teach discipline, respect for one's opponents, leadership skills, and how to work alongside others. He became a senator with a backround in academic team. Just imagine his carreer if he played sports instead. He could have been president!

Anonymous said...

Cmon with this, im sure if you took the NYC team the won states, you would find at least one NBA player on each team. Yes this is a stepping stone for this man, and i believe that the Academic team is a great thing, but i dunno if u can draw such drastic conclusions as join the academic team, you will be famous. I know im gunna get bashed on this one.

Anonymous said...

It seems like all the contestants on this game show have grown up to have successful lives. 3 of the contestants have grown to be senators, and many others have grown up to be lawyers and important business figures. It is good to know that although he has accomplished so much in his life, Schumer still takes pride in the episode of the academic he was on.

Anonymous said...

Its pretty cool that senators and other important figures in society came from such humble beginings. Maybe someone one from our academic team will become the next New York state senator. Just goes to show that you dont have to be born into a well-known, wealthy family to become an important figure in life.

Anonymous said...

so does this mean we are gunna have A-team reunions after we graduate? :P

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that being on Academic Team helped Chuck Schumer become Senator, but the fact that he was on television may have helped him become more outspoken. However, his teammates did not end up in high-profile jobs like him; Janet became an acupuncturist. I think it will be interesting to see where everyone on A-team ends up in a few years, so we should definitely have a reunion.