Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Problem with Taxes


Anonymous said...

its scarry to think that our governmenent is looking out more for public oppinion than to actually change for the good of the economy and enviormental reasons. Their main goal is not to be more fuel efficient but to gain good press from it.

Anonymous said...

Oviously having a tax on the price of fule would decrease any presidents popularity rating but maybe if thats what it takes to save the environment it should be looked into. I am still more in favor of looking for other ways of acheiving energy independence. Having better fules or creating electric cars seems to be an alternative that we are working on for the long term and should be a good way of acheiving this goal.

Anonymous said...

This comic strip sums up the problem with taxes perfectly, politicians want to be reelected, and raising taxes works against them. Nobody wants to hear that "If you elect me, I'll make you pay more taxes!" The irony is that it might actually be more beneficial to raise taxes, but politians aren't thinking purely about what's good for their country.

Anonymous said...

That's so George Bush lol, nice post Mr.Rood.

Anonymous said...

this is funny cause gwb just wants people to like him now and will do anything for his populaity back. what it has to do with economics besides a different new idustry, i don't know

Anonymous said...

This cartoon is pretty funny depicting Bush going to the "oh wise one" or most likely god, to ask about the oil problems. Its pretty true that now since the republicans are not in control of both houses that Bush is looking for some good press. Also going along with the article about ethanol, right now its helping to lower the price but in the long run something must be done to take off our dependence from foregin oil. Personally, I think hydrogen is going to be the way to go in the next 20 years or so.

Anonymous said...

This cartoon does illustrate a true paraox. The problem with turning corn into ethanol is that it reqires just as much fuel to do this process as the fuel that the process produces. This solution is very inefficient because very little net fuel is actually produced.
The other problem is that, when it comes down to it, politicians care more about winning elections than accomplishing anything productive. A politician's first thought isn't, "How can this policy help the environment," it's "How can this policy affect my image."

Anonymous said...

the problem illustrated in this cartoon just reinforces our presidents neglect for the well being of our country. he would rather receive "good press" than try and achieve energy independence. hes making his decisions for all the wrong reasons, and its leading this country into a dangerous future.

Anonymous said...

It's always nice to have a good laugh. Responding to this makes me feel like I'm back in Dr. Swickard's class having to analyzing political cartoons. On a more serious note, it is sad that Bush cares more about good press. I know that no body wants to pay a higher tax on gas, but if our president did care more about the environment, he should find a way to lower carbon dioxide emmisions instead of saying that it is not a pollutant. He can be pro-environment and still achieve good press; I honestly think that more hybrid and environmentally safe cars in our country and around the world could be the best thing President Bush should try to start in the last part of his presidency.

Anonymous said...

This cartoon shows a major flaw in our government- politicians have stopped caring about what the country needs and deal only with issues that will help them get re-elected. It is good that the government is finally addressing the problem of our dependence on oil, but if we ever do utilize alternative energy sources, it is unlikely that our new fuel will be the most eco-friendly solution.

Anonymous said...

unfortunatley it is true that bush probably really does care more about good press than what is really good for our country. but this cartoon also depicts a more pressing matter that we need to find a more fuel efficient lifestyle. however, our govt (like this cartoon shows) doesnt seem to be doing this, they seem to be backed up by poor intentions.

Anonymous said...

This cartoon illustrates a negative side of our government. Politicians care more about their populartity and focus on being elected again rather than addressing and fixing certain issues. We should just use cars that run on happy thoughts.

Anonymous said...

This cartoon shows a huge problem in modern politics...politicians dont care about what is good for the country instead only with issues that will get them re-elected. Politics needs to change for the better of the country and its people.

Anonymous said...

this shows why politicians souldn't take the easy way out to make themselfs look good. they need to take chances that are in the intrest of their country not neceisaryily themselfs however in the long run if they make the better choise it will help them too.

Anonymous said...

this kind of stuff makes me so mad because it so badly prevents progess. and it really is a big problem with politicians they got to stop worrying about their god damn rep so much and worry about the direction of our country. and this kind of stuff just keeps delaying this problem and others that should have already been adressed