Thursday, February 08, 2007


Is there a new economy basedon the internet? Well if there is, this article makes clear that it is perfect ground for Kaizen, the Japanese principle of continuous improvement. Can you say Toyota?

"Given a performance measure, be it clicks, revenue or something entirely different, a disciplined process of experimentation and evaluation can lead to rapid improvements. The easier it is to experiment and the larger the number of users, the quicker this process can work."


Anonymous said...

The ability to experiment with new or different ideas quickly and effectively definitely improves productivity. The more efficient we become at improving our technologies the faster we'll accelerate and grow. Nothing is ever perfect, but being able to constantly improve can make a webpage as close to perfect as one can get.

Anonymous said...

being able to experiment quickly, as opposed to just entering the field of internet business and having to make changes on a whim in hopes of it paying dividends, is more cost-efficient and can allow for the kaizen (the disciplined process of systematic exploration and controlled experimentation). this is a significant advantage for established businesses because they already have the trust of consumers and can make changes and see if they pay off quickly without having to spend so much money in the developmental stage. as it said in the article "being able to figure out quickly what works and what doesn't can mean the difference between survival and extinction." i couldn't have said it any better.