Monday, February 12, 2007

Congestion Pricing

Here is another article about variable tolls, the kind that rise as the road becomes more congested.


Anonymous said...

I found this article to be very interesting because it contained valid ideas that many populated areas should adopt. Afterall, vehicles emit a higher amount of pollutants while they are stationary so it is logical to maintain a flow of traffic not only to save time/eliminate frustration, but to protect the environment. The varied tolls would be extremely effective in breaking up traffic and they also cover some of the external costs of driving (pollution). Our society's driving habits need to change, while the construction of an HOV lane was a move in the right direction, we must continue to adopt more of the techniques.

Anonymous said...

Its interesting to see how people react to change in prices, because although it works in theory not all economic ideas work in reality, mainly due to an unexpected human reaction to the stimulus. This concept could be implemented into other sectors of society as well to help reduce crowds everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I found this article to be very intriguing because it pointed out good ideas that many populated areas should adopt. After all, vehicles emit a larger amount of pollutants when they are motionless therefore it is reasonable to keep a constant stream of traffic not only to save time and eliminate frustration, but to safe guard the environment. The varied tolls would be quite successful in distributing traffic and they also cover some external costs of driving i.e. pollution. Our society's transportation habits need to revolutionize, while the construction of an HOV lane was a step in the correct direction, we must continue to create more of these techniques.

Anonymous said...

This practice makes good economic sense. Tolls are designed to make us pay for the use of a demanded quantity: road space. When this quantity is more in demand (rush our) we should have to pay more for it.

On the other hand, this probably won't have a positive effect on the environment or reduce pollution. During times when tolls are raised (rush hour) people on the road are not taking joy rides: they are doing necessary driving to and from work that they would have to do anyway, regardless of discouraging toll rates. Most people who do driving that we would deem "unecessary pollution" would't use the roads during rush hour anyway because of the traffic. So we are not really discouraging people from unecessary driving, we are just punishing those who need to use the roads to make an honest day's living. Any hopes for significantly reduced pollution are unrealistic. A better way to target "excess drivers" would be to have higher toll rates during common vacation weeks. That way the penalty would fall on those who are polluting the air unecessarily and not on those who need to go to work.

Anonymous said...

This article was rubbish, i was on a highway this weekend not at rush hour and it was a mess, this is just promoting people driving though peoples neighborhoods going about 50 during rush hour home to watch American Idol. This is not a good point, and in all honeslty makes the places around highways even worse then they are, they will become actual highways.

Anonymous said...

The roads being higher priced seems like a good idea because it will decongest the lanes for those who pay and those who do not. This only works if people are willing to pay. It is just like going on vacation where the flight prices change almost daily due to the day of the week or certain holidays. Let us just be happy for the those who ride buses! yay!

Anonymous said...

It makes economic sense to make the price of toll higher during rush hour but i don't think it would be the best solution. People would eventually find roads off the highways to avoid these tolls which would make the streets of that town more dangerous. The thought of rush hour alone eliminates unnecessary drivers because most plan to avoid this traffic to save them time and frustration.

Anonymous said...

HOV HOT EZPASS, there all good. yea toll roads would make some drivers use the back roads, but it would also reduce the amount by a lot. more high ways should have HOV lanes to reduce everything. HOV are more practical and make everyone more happy. i dont think its fair either to charge 9$ at rush hour and 2$ at noon.