Thursday, January 25, 2007

So what are YOU doing with your spare time?

Why aren't you selling your stuff on EBay before your bedtime? If you are, then are you making a profit and reinvesting it? Start a business and make some cash for college. Its cool.


Anonymous said...

Chris thats you......Chris Fitz lives on ebay, if he was hungry he might order a sandwich on ebay rush delivery and get it that same day. The kid represented in the picture is a very smart little boy, he is revolutionary in his field on buying games and selling them for 10 times the initial price. Hats off to you little bro

Anonymous said...

I think its very good that younger people are getting into the business ownership field. I liked what the article said about the few kids they used as examples, but the article also didn't explain that not all self owned businesses make it. Also i got the feeling that the article was trying to make it seem like these kids would be making millions if they stayed with their current business. All I know is that no online ebay store will put you over a million a year salary. But i understand that taking steps like these kids are doing now when were young can lead to greater success when were older.

Anonymous said...

This article has some very interesting points; I agree that young adults are more productive than even perhaps older adults(even when they were their age). I think this is because of our improved and more demanding education. You might argue that kids nowadays are lazy due to increased technology and such..but creativity wise I think they have an advantage because most professions for the adults now were geared toward manual labor and such. And that videogame selling idea...very smart!

Anonymous said...

This article is interesting. These kids are all taking a step in the right direction in being successful in terms of money making. They all have an entrepreneur state of mind at such a young age and if they continue this mindset, they will most likely be making the million dollars a year by the time they are 25. The first kid the article talks about already understands the idea of buy low and sell high. As Zach said, he deserves a lot of credit to be able to sell games and videos at 10 times the actual amount. Some people on eBay will pay just about anything if they really want something. Another thing that is good for these children is that they did this in the classic American Dream way; there is no rich relative handing them money as if it was nothing.

Anonymous said...

this article to me is very interesting that younger kids are beginnning to understand how they can make money just by buying and seeling at a higher price to make a profit. it shows how the economy has grown and that younger kids are looking to make more money for themselves and better their lives in the aility to get "stuff"

Anonymous said...

i think it is great that kids are becomeing advanced with the new tecnology avalible to us. just shows anther way that the internet is helping kids expand their knowlege of the world and how to make a profit something that was not avalible to our parents. the only bad part is if you are the one getting stuck buying the stuff for a higher price then you normally would pay for it.