Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Greener America?

I have been talking alot about the environment in class, and now it gets more politicized. Well, try this one on ethanol.


Anonymous said...

I think Ethanol is a great way to free us from being dependent on foreign oil at least until we can install a more efficient means of alternative fuel like solar energy or even sea water. Though It will most likely be a while until we start to use the more efficient forms of energy, ethanol will be a great temporary use to free us from foreign oil and also it will be good for all those corn farmers.

Anonymous said...

ethanol is a great source of energy instead of importing oil from other parts of the world. we could be less dependent on the middle east. it would be great for americans to make the ethanol. it would boost the economy. we would be i mporting a hell of a lot less. and id rather buy my gas from the white guy.

Anonymous said...

though it would be good for the farmers it would coast so much to make it useful not helping the coast of fuel however it would help make us independent of foreign fuel.

Anonymous said...

Ethanol is not the solution to the energy problem that we have been looking for. It is fairly inefficient for starteers. In addition ethanol may add more air polutants to the atmosphere as it evaporates quicker than regular gasoline. While the benefits of of ethanol are shakey the drawbacks are definitive. The ethanol subsidy has cost the country billions in uncollected taxes. Of course the decreased tax on ethanol mixed gas is likely to stay for a while as most polititians are unwilling to touch it due to the influence of the corn farmers in the good old state of Iowa.

Anonymous said...

Ethanol is definietly a good start and a great way to decrease/eliminate our dependency on foreign oil. And of course I would much rather buy gas from a fellow American than from a foreigner. This of course won't be a complete solution to our energy problem but definietly a good start.

Anonymous said...

Its a good idea to produce ethanol but economically its not sufficient. The production of ethanol virtually neutralizes itself due to the high price of production. The production of ethanol does however all the government to support the countries farmers but their is essentially no financial gain in producing ethanol. The economy and enviornment would benefit far more by investing land that would allow us to grow sugar cane which is a more sufficent and financially beneficial way of forming a foreign gasoline alternative.

Anonymous said...

Ethanol is a positive start for our country to become less depend on middle eastern countries for energy. Although ethanol is not the best answer because it adds more air pollutants then gas and it more inefficent than gas. And of course we'd rather buy energy from our American brother.

Anonymous said...

ethanol is the perfect source of energy instead of importing oil from other parts of the world. we will become less dependent on the middle east and other regions of the world. the switch over would boost the economy because farmers in america would be growing the products to make it. And to top it all off, it is way better for the environment !

Anonymous said...

Ethanol for the US is a posotive begining to take away form our dependencecies of the middle east and the importation of oil. and with the use of ethonal there will be a boost wihtin our economy and the eviroment.