Monday, January 22, 2007

Comparative Advantage with a Social Conscience?

Where does that T shirt with a message come from? And are you demonstating a social message by wearing it as well?


Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea, especially because it's actually helping people in poverty. For some reason when I read Naked Economics one part that stood out to me was a little section that said that people who boycott sweatshops are actually making it harder for those people working in the sweatshops to better their lives. But by promoting selling T-shirts that were made by poor people but in humane conditions is great because it encourages clothing companies not to take advantage of people in poverty. And that in turn gives the countries where such conditions aren't restricted more incentive to start creating fair and healthy standards in workplaces.

Mr. Rood said...

I am truly glad that one of my students, and an excellent one at that, is listening. Thank you Sonya.

Anonymous said...

This idea is great and very beneficial to the African economy. By not only donating money to the poor people of Africa Bono is trying to stimulate the economy. This boost is creating jobs for the farmers producing the fabric from scratch all the way to those creating the shirt through humane moral ways in clean conditions without exploiting children and others in the work force. This concept allows for Africa to plant its roots in the competitive market.