Friday, January 12, 2007

Nice Phone

Ok, for 600 bucks you can have the iPhone. Do you really want to be that connected? Please comment on any aspect of this story that you find interesting and relevant to the course.


Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I'm not really into all the latest gadgets. I'm probably one of the only people in the school who still doesn't have an ipod, I have an ancient mp3 player that's about the size of a brick, but it works for me. I think people spend too much money on the latest phone or TV when they don't actually use all the benefits it claims to have. Who needs to be connected to the web every second of the day? And what's the point of having a TV that can access the internet? I have to admit, for those people who would use all the options the iPhone has to offer, they'd be a lot more productive than those who can't go on the internet while sitting in a car or walking down the street. It definitely will propel productivity to new heights, but I'd rather not be dependant on a travel size computer.

Anonymous said...

I totally believe that this 'iphone' has superfluous, music, and a phone with touch screens? I mean come on...why own an ipod and a laptop and then buy an iphone? I suppose it is convenient for businessmen to carry an all-in-one system but hard is it to pull out your ipod or delldj or go home or have your laptop to check your mail. This is pure evidence of the increased laziness among the human race...

Anonymous said...

The iPhone seems to be a huge breakthrough in hand-held electronics. Although there are many other separate pieces of equipment that do some of the same tasks as the iPhone, this is one of the first devices to put all of them together and still maintain a convenient way to operate it. This increase in technology will definitely allow for more production, and cheaper prices for the consumer. In addition, the iPhone seems like it can help organize any business-person's life.

Anonymous said...

okay for one i don't know anyone who needs to connect their computer to their tv. i obviously don't know what thats about. every time a new phone comes out i watch the commercials and say "wow how can they think up such things thats so cool" but then I'm sitting there thinking how unnecessary it is. i know plenty of people who can store mp3s on their phone and listen to music but none of them do. i think the advancements in technology is good for competitive business but with all the patents on the apple ideas i can see it being hard for some companies to stay afloat without the availability to produce what the consumers want. its amazing how i now want an iphone but then i would have no use for my ipod and i would never use the internet on my phone. i wonder how much the service cost is for that amount of connection. bravo to technology.

Anonymous said...

its seems as tho apple is really capitalizing on its break throughs, not only because of its expensive prices but because they are going out to make the most appealing product for the customers(getting rid of the word computer after apple because computer seems old fashion) etc.. they also noted how they were sure that they were going to patent their new keyboard.

Mr. Rood said...

I guess it is time for me to get rid of the 8 track player.

Anonymous said...

this all sounds cool and all like yea i get email phone and ipod all in one. but thee qeusion is really are you goingot buy it just to show off or to actually use all of its features. cause if anything this just sounds like another braging phone or ipod. and honestly i still have my green ipod mini. which they dont even make ipod minis anymore i havent seen one in the store for well over a year. and they make this big point of being able to use your finger to navigate the decive. well i wouldnt really want ot b pushing my finger all over the screen. i mean ok your gonna be careful and wash your hands before using it for what maybe the first week? then from there on bring on the food and dirt. i can see what these things are gonna like like after a month in the hands or a real person, and it isnt a pretty image.

Anonymous said...

i most definitely think that the iphone is loaded with unecessary options and is pretty much trying to make things "easier" having everything (phone, email, music, etc.) all in one. but really its making things more difficult. i see how this would benefit for people on the move all day who need to be connected in order for their business to function. the iphone is really a representation of how we can not stand to not be connected and doing something while we're eating breakfast or riding a bus. when you think about it the iphone is really encouraging us to constantly be using technology as opposed to doing other things such as spending time with family.

Anonymous said...

When I first heard about the iPhone, I really wanted one. But after thinking about it I realized, how many features does one person truly need on a phone? For the average person, calling and texting are the only things that are really needed on a cell phone (and texting isn't a necessity). Past that, none of the features on modern cell phones give that much of an advantage: cameras, email, mp3 players, normal people do not need these capabilities on their cell phones. Yes, business people often "need" BlackBerrys and Treos to keep themselves organized, but the reality is that this technology is superfluous.
On the other hand, it seems convenient to combine all of our gadgets into one piece of technology, and it was bound to happen sooner or later. However, this seems like the first step towards a computer-run society written about in science fiction books.

Anonymous said...

all of you are fronting honestly who wouldnt want this phone???? you say, you dont need that blah blah this phone is sick. ANd to tell you the truth if you didnt want this phone there is something wrong with you.....

Anonymous said...

The iPhone is pretty cool but I'm just tired of always having to buy new things to keep up with technology. When I bought my black and white iPod for a few hundred dollars I thought it was a good investment because there was nothing like it before. And then the color iPod came out like two weeks later for the same price! Technology is changing really quickly that probably every single thing you will ever need in your entire life will eventually be able to fit onto an iSomething. And Blackberrys piss me off. Who honestly needs to check their email on their cell phone while driving their car every 5 seconds? No one is that important.

Anonymous said...

Why wouldnt anyone want this phone? Instead of carrying a camera a cell phone an ipod and what ever else you can just carry one combine gadget. This product will be great for people that constantly need to be checking their email or communicating through email. It will allow people to be WAY more mobile and increase productivity. Although my current phone can play music has email and games and all that jazz i still want this phone becuase i just do. im sure there are A LOT of other people out there just like me and are going to get it simply because they want it. There are also a bunch of business people who will get it because they will be able to put it to good use. although extremely unnessecary for most im sure it will be a huge seller. good job apple.

Anonymous said...

Well it was about time something like this comes to the market. It was the next step of electronics. It will have a great success in the market because now business men do not need to but three different things when it could all be found in a simple phone. Even though it would be a success for apple in the sale of iphones, it also decreases their sale of ipods and laptops.

Anonymous said...

The iPhone is useful for businessmen who constantly need to be e-mailing and stuff like that. It's pretty cool with all those feautures combined in one. But if you lose your iphone, you lose ur a computer, your phone and all of that stuff too. It's one of those things that I wouldn't go out of my way to get, but if i got it i would used it ha.

Anonymous said...

Yeah this phone is pretty nice. I'm with Zach, people are like crying cause this phone is so convenient. Yes some of this technology might be pointless for most people as of now but i bet in the future it will become a necessity. when cell phones first came around for most people they werent needed but now everyone needs there cell phone and the same for alottttt of other things such as cars, comptuers, the internet. so stop putting the iphone down this is just part of our life styles becoming better

Anonymous said...

ok, so this phone is really cool. but what am i going to do with my ipod, computer, digital camera, and cell phone now with this new phone? basically its way too much in one thing, if you loose it your screwed. and for me, unless its built like a tank, im going to break it, so its not worth the trouble, unless i was a millionare.

Anonymous said...

The iPhone does seem pretty cool, but I would not get it. I already have a phone, mp3 player, and a computer. I have no need from having all of the modern features in one gadget. Traveling businessmen and women would probably be the only ones to benefit from this, because everyone knows they can't go two minutes without calling someone and checking their e-mails.