Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Maybe you have a future

In today's Economix column David Leonhardt reports on how young economists are doing very interesting broad-based research:

"As 'The Soulful Science,' a new book by Diane Coyle, puts it, there has been a 'remarkable creative renaissance in how economics is addressing the most fundamental questions — and how it is starting to help solve problems.' The reams of data that computers can now crunch have ushered the field into a new golden age, Ms. Coyle writes, yet most of its accomplishments are not widely known."

Perhaps this class is just a beginning?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This new era in economics looks to hold much hope for both the world and the field of economics. This more real-world application of economics helps to dissect problems at their roots and look at them from new angles. This could contribute to the solutions of many problems around the world. In addition this may help to attract new people to the field. This is because the people can relate to this new application of economics more so than the previously abstract older economics.