Wednesday, December 27, 2006

In Memorium- Gerald Ford

I remember wearing a "WIN" button as a kid, which stood for "Whip Inflation Now" (I also have a Nixon Now button). It was Gerald Ford's attempt to get us some semblance of sanity. A good man yes, and a couple of thousand vote swing could have re-elected him. But it didn't.
But probably the most unfortunate headline in history helped do him in, but in the end, it seems as though his position was correct- have municipal government be responsible in its fiscal policy.


Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate that Ford lost the election because of that headline. His policy helped people to "clean up their acts" even with little only a little government help. Also the fact that he admitted that he had the wrong kind of perspective shows that he has an open mind, and is willing to listen to what people have to say.

Mr. Rood said...

Actually, Ford probably lost because he pardoned Nixon.

Anonymous said...

What is going on with this new Gerald Ford national holiday. Are we going to have school on this day every year or is it going to be another day off? Seems kind of strange that Bush declared it a holiday when other presidents have died recently and did not get the same recognition that the never elected Ford received. I know that he was trying to do good for our country but he never even won an election so the people couldn't have loved him to much. Certainly not enough to have a national holiday appointed in his name.

Mr. Rood said...

Uh, it is a day of mourning, and since you only die once....

Anonymous said...

Gerald Ford will most likely be known for being the only president not elected into the office as a president or a vice-president. This fact will cause people to look over the presidency he had and even the life he lived. Before politics he was a standout for the Michigan University football team. He also served time in the navy during WWII where he had many heroic accomplishments.
His presidency was brief, but that could be contributed to his pardon of Richard Nixon for the Watergate Scandal. He wanted to put this disgraceful event in the past, but was ridiculed for it because it was shortly after it had occurred. The economy during his presidency also did not help him get reelected. He feared inflation even during a recessionary period which caused him to veto many bills. The pubic was unhappy with his presidency so he did not win the election. The passing of Gerald Ford is a great loss to the country and his life should be honored.