Sunday, December 17, 2006


Congratulations. You, yes you, have been chosen Time magazine's Person of the Year. What are the economic implications here?


Anonymous said...

The fact that we are the information age has drastic economic implications because we are much more productive than we were in the past. The development of new technology such as the computer and the internet have made communitcation, production, and research much easier. So yes the time magazine cover with you on it sees like a valid time man of the year even though i think it is broad award selection this year.

Anonymous said...

The connecting of people throughout the world is a huge thing economically speaking. This has allowed for the increased sharing of ideas which allows for intelectuals to work together. In addition by making it so easy for people to communicate companies can now easily have operations all over the world. This allows for work to be done where ever if could be accomplished most efficiently. For instance now companies can outsource work like call centers to places like Bangalore in India. This has also allowed for the creation of ope-sourse communities. These open-source communites, where any person can access and contribute to either a piece of computer code or an encyclepedia article, have created great things from wikipedia to apache and firefox.

Anonymous said...

i think its funny that they made the person of the year "you". with the change of technology we have become a lot more productive. maybe this will cover of TIME will even motivate more people to go out there and make a change, or blog one more time, who knows. i'm not sure what their implications were, if they really believe that "you" are the person of the year and i agree with marley that it is a broad award selection for the year.

Anonymous said...

"you" being named as time person of the year is very broad as well as quite unexpected. however there are many econmic implications that go with this. the evolution of the internet has taken place within the past two decades and has made us more productive than ever before and has opened up many jobs as well. the internet has also made communication and transactions much faster and easier which has made us more productive as well. with "you" being named person of the year for time magazine in 2006 it encourages us to keep on doing what we are doing with the information age and to keep on putting pictures up on facebook and making videos that have no real point and posting them on youtube just to bring everyone together. therefore i agree with time magazine and can't wait to see what happens next.

Anonymous said...

This article is not actually about the individual people in the world that were named as a part of the "you". Realistically Time used the award as a commentary on the way the world has begun to intertwine. It is just one additional piece of evidence that proves just how prolific and revolutionary the internet is. The internet has allowed anyone to gain any information at any time. The reason that “you” were chosen as person of the year is because now that all the information is readily assessable to all, anyone could transform the world; and generally, everyone was a component of the change. Information is power and the World Wide Web has certainly empowered the masses.

Anonymous said...

I am not going to lie I really like the great man theory, its kinda romantic, and I still sort of believe in it. But, I certainly do get their point, and it makes a lot of sense. I think the amount of communication and exchange of ideas that is facilitated by the new technology is wonderful, and it obviously has and will have immense economic implications. Too bad we all have to stare at a screen in order to take advantage of the great recourse…but its well worth it, and maybe even that will soon change.
Also, another point I realized was that some of the things shown in this article are exactly what I am always talking about. What we are witnessing is an outpouring of ingenuity and productivity by the populace of America and the rest of the digitalized world. This is exactly the kind of comparative advantage that we need, and now outsourcing our manufacturing jobs won’t seem as bad when everyone has other more lucrative and productive jobs. (Although actually making something with your hands is definitely a rewarding experience…and something that the American people may soon forget.) Anyhow, we are moving forward, and that’s what counts!

Anonymous said...

"you" being named as time person of the year is an inovative idea. its true that the internet has become something compleatly different then what it was ment for and that is because"you" made it that way. i also think this was a good economical was for time to sell more issues because it makes you more curious as to why "you" are the person of the year not some scientist we have never heard of

Anonymous said...

Maybe the editors at time magazine just couldnt think of anyone as the person of the year and that's why they choose "you" though the econmic idea of the choice is relevent in the fact that our generation is truly the information age due to new technologies which alows for everythio be done easier such as the computer and internet which allows for so many possibilties within the world today so due to people's idea's such as myspace, youtube and others which allows for the ability for people to interact and other activities time magazine has quit possibly chooosen the best person of the year "you" or their editors just suck and couldnt think of anything

Anonymous said...

Up to this point in time, it can be argued that history has been in essence "the biographies of great men." But what must be understood is that "great men" cannot stand alone in our present-day world.

TIME Magazine's choice for Person of the Year encourages a great realization for our modern day society and world: We are transcending the age of accomplishment on the individual level to accomplishment and progress as a greater whole. Today, endeavors succeed on the large scale only if whole communities are involved, if communication strenghtens, and if humanity taps into the vast store of information it posesses and then applies it into living practice. As the TIME article pointed out, indeed this is most evident in the cyber world but such development can also be seen in many aspects of our current day world. Although its tough to admit it, Wal-Mart superbly used the concept of community to strengthen ties between its employees and their work and create a successful enterprise (hence the early morning pep talks and Wal-Mart motivational rallies).

The economic implications are huge: efficiency and communications are increased, thus rising productivity as well quality of life (on certain standards).

This new era that we are entering is marked by the presence of the individual entity as part of the collective or community. The individual can thus make a greater impact in society if he/she is part of this group framework where each voice can be heard and each feeling can be expressed. Immanuel Kant once said the "Science is organized knowledge, while Wisdom is organized life." We entering the Age of Wisdom, where organization has the necessary balance of entropy, and where by working together, individual accomplishments can rise to unparalled heights. Socially and economically, our minds are the limit to our success.