Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Will we ever leave home again?

From Techno world- An AT&T system helps you log on, download, and view programs on big screenTVs. The service, which AT&T will offer for $10 a month, digitally records TV shows so customers can view them later and skip through commercials. Kind of like TiVo Plus. It also enables customers to pull video from the Internet, record it and transport it to the family TV for viewing. The system also can send photos and music stored on a computer to televisions and stereos.


Anonymous said...

This really isn’t anything to be too shocked about. The internet has revolutionized everything in society, from car shopping to sex. So why are we surprised when the greatest piece of communication technology every thought up begins to change the face of other communication technologies. It’s just another step toward a unified virtual world, where all forms of entertainment are intertwined within the same machine.

Anonymous said...

whats the big deal about AT&T doing this if comcast already has done it? it would be mega awesome though to put the bonac football movie thats online onto my new HDTV. so im going to get this little box and im going to put the bonac football movie onto it and i will watch it. this is basically like a tivo so alex stipanov will live on it. hope you had a great weekend mr rood

Anonymous said...

Well yes it is scary, that everything will be done without leaving our houses. But it is also amazing and convenient to people to deal with just one company and get all those services. Not only will AT&T do this but many more, because as we have seen Optimum also did a similar promotion, opening competition to a vast combination of services.

Anonymous said...

I concur with what evan said, and I would also like to say that this isn't where the virtual world is going to stop. As we already know we can buy practically anything we want on the internet. I say that in the future, having to leave your home to buy something will be obsolete. Just order whatever you want and it'll be at your home in no time. I am only saying this because with the advancing technology we're getting every year, it's inevitable that something liek this will happen.

Anonymous said...

As Evan said, this is just another step towards unifying information and entertainment into one device. We're moving closer to a world in which there is wireless internet access everywhere (Rhode Island's trying to be the first state with complete wireless coverage or something), and innovations such as AT&T's digital TV services are just part of the integration of faster and easier-to-use technology in all areas of life. My only question is with the growing popularity of systems such as these that allow people to watch shows without commercials, what effects will that have on advertising? Advertising is obviously booming online (as can be seen through Google), but looks like people are going to be a lot less likely to actually watch commercials.

Anonymous said...

This is scary to think that we already are not getting enough exercise in this country and now we add more entertainment technology. Yes, it may be a good business move since the lower cost of the utility will cause more people to purchase it but still giving people all of this home entertainment in a block seems sort of weird. How can we make the internet and the tvs intertwined so much that we watch videos from the web on our tvs.

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent business plan..most people like everything to be more condensed and compact. this was just something that was waiting to happen. One the other hand the idea of one simple thing controling many things is our home is kinda crazy.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised at all that AT&T has come up with Homezone to top Comcast's similar package, but what I find surprising is that people would actually buy it. When you think about how much time people would be spend on their computers and tvs, and just sitting in their living rooms, its mildly disturbing. People who would buy this need to get a life and some fresh air. I understand AT&T's motives for creating something like Homezone, (esp. considering there is a definite market for it in the US) but in the long run I don't think something like this is going to improve the lives of Americans. For anyone who would buy this, I would say that instead of marveling how every piece of technology in your home is connected, go out and do something worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

yes, while i agree that this is scary to think about, i have to say that it wasnt entirely unexpected. i mean, we are in a technology, internet, wireless driven age, and it makes sense that these types of gadgets will be invented. who knows what the future holds for our children. who knows what types of inventions theyll grow up with. i guess we'll have wireless states as alex said. its scary to think about, but thats what all the signs are pointing to.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing to me that we have come this far. To be living in a time where you can order groceries, rent movies, or search for new homes and cars through your television or computer.. its just crazy!And the fact that AT&T has come up with a new way(Homezone) to pretty much allow people to never leave home.. its just bizarre. Although i understand the motives of inventing new technology, i dont understand why anyone would want to sit home alllll day long!

Anonymous said...

I don't see why people think this is like scary idea we all knew something like this was going to happen. I think it was great business move bound to happen and AT&T just happened to start it off. I love the idea of being able to do some much so simply especially in my living room, but I mean to be scared of it is ridiculous unless your really lazy or something.

Anonymous said...

its pretty crazy to think that all our household electronic and communication devices can all be run by one company and can be condensed and easier to use. soon we'll probably just be staying in our homes and doing everything we have to do because we will have all the technology we need. although this is a very brilliant and innovative idea, in the end all it promotes is lazyness. In the article it said that 60 percent of people would be interested in using the service but only 10 percent were willing to pay. with those statistics other companies will most likely start trying to create better services opening up the market to competion ultimately benefitting consumers.

Anonymous said...

this new technology certainly is crazy and innovative the fact that we can now do so much just from out own living rooms possibly the onmly set backs to this is it promotes lazyness, but i think that think this technology is great and wont have the greatest effect on an increase in laziness to society bnut there really is no reason for people to be scared of this it was bound to happen considering we living in the age we do with new and better things arising each day.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea and its even better for lazy people like me!!! This is a smart move and is just another step to a unified virtual world. People shouldn't be worried about lack of excercise cause they can easily download some Jane Fonda workout tapes and watch it on their tv with relative ease.

Anonymous said...

To be honest companies better be creating something semi-amazing to compete with this. This new system seems to be able to do everything we need in the technology department of our house. $100 doesn't seem too much but thats only for the basics and may discourage a lot of buyers. Like the article says i would have to see operate before making any reasonable thoughts about buying it. The concept is good, but why trade it for all that i already have.

Anonymous said...

this is a waste of the nations dollars. this product will cause the already lathargic nation to become worse. 25% of the people in the u.s are over weight, our people do not need this. americans need to rethink what goes into their bodies.......and how to stop other more important things