Friday, November 24, 2006

Wal-Mart Will Offer Retail Banking in Mexico, an Underserved Market

Ok, raise your hand if you knew that Mexico has 877 Wal-Marts and 80 % of Mexicans do not have a bank account. We learned earlier about the "Wal-Mart Effect" and opined on wheter Wal-Mart was good for America. The Economist has a good article about Mexican bakning: "Underwear and Overdrafts", here. Is Wal-Mart good for Mexico? And thus for America?


Anonymous said...

good for mexico and good for wal mart. personaly i would much rather have wal mart expanding its forms of business over seas and leaving people in america with what they have done. and hopefully wall mart can make a low intrest banking system in mexico it might be a good thing to have a bank in mexico for the mexican people who dont charge a pint of blood in intrest. hopefully it will make an incentive for the mexican people to start up better business with lower intrest loans and develope their country more and not come over here illegaly.

Anonymous said...

i think walmart is good for mexico. it will set up a financial structure for the lower class that has not been there. other companies are trying to set up banks for lower class people but i think walmart will succeed more than these toher companies because HELLO, its wal-mart!

Anonymous said...

I believe that walmart will have a positive effect on mexico. This is because giving more mexican a chance to have a bank account will make it easier for them to save money. Also once these people establish a credit history they will have more access to loans. This increased access to loans will make it easier for people to invest in businesses and purchase capital. Also with a more secure infrastructure in place people will be more willing to invest and take risks. Increased demand for Walmart and American goods could also be associated with the implementation of bank for poorer Mexicans.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the low prices and easy access to banking will slowly develop the Mexican economy. I am also happy that an American Wal-Mart bank was frowned upon because that would be a rediculous extension to its giant monopoly. However, if competition banks fail to rise in Mexico's future, Wal-Mart may start to gain too much power within its borders and alter Mexico's economy just as it is meddling with ours. And why is the 'George' section in the picture not 'Jorge'? :P

Anonymous said...

i think Wal-Mart is deffinetly a posotive within the mexican economy because of all the opportunities that it gives to the people and the opportunities that it will give the economy to grow. Wal-Mart deliveres cheap prices for many goods which allows lower class people within mexico to purchase goods that they possibly were unable to purchase in other stores and with the purchases of many goods it will also help allow the economy itself grow

Anonymous said...

Wal-mart should have a positive effect on Mexico's economy. This allow Mexicans to get a bank account easier and provides them with finacial security. This may also lead to an increase in investment which will help their economy. And it does have a pretty cool name, Banco Wal-Mart de Mexico Adelante, I like how it flows.

Anonymous said...

Wal-mart will have a positive effect on Mexicos economy. The low prices,easy access to banking and finacial security will help boost their economy. The low prices will allow Mexicans to purchase items they were previously unable to afford. All around Wal-mart will be a positive and helpful way of helping Mexicos economy.