Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Supplemental Budget Request

The Pentagon has requested alot of money to replace equipment somehow damaged in Iraq and other places. This is above and beyond the regular military budget, and is known as a supplemental budget request.


Anonymous said...

These statistics are bad news. With the threat of conflict ether with North Korea, Iran and or Syria we would not have the man power nor the money to accomplish the mission. It is evident with the increase in military spending to fund the war in Iraq and the many casualties in our side that we are not accomplishing anything. Terrorist have won this battle and it is time that we retreat and attack from a different angle. Our true enemies have us wasting our most valuable assets (the men and women of the armed forces) and our resources. The money we would saved by getting out of Iraq would give us the ability to complete development of future weapons, the money could be used for improve schools and other domestic conditions. Also the money we would save could be used to continue fighting the war against terror. We could use the money to research better ways of going about fighting terror so that we could avoid another Iraq.

Anonymous said...

I get really mad when i see news like this because i know it's just adding to my taxes later in life and i'm sure everyone else feels the same way. I just wonder how long its going to be before the people that are pro-war on terror see how bad this is gonna be for them and decide to oppose it. Also the family that owns wal-mart should just donate the half trillion that this war is costing, they got a plentiful amount of money so theyre not really losing and all of us in the middle class are just getting a break, but thats just an idea.

Anonymous said...

All the money the Pentagon is asking for, will only add up to the war debt we have, and our generation will have to pay it, in the years coming. Instead of haveing to go through this, the goverment has to find a strategy to withdraw the troops, because the war is not going anywhere. It is only causing a bigger debt to the country.