Monday, November 20, 2006

Earn Money for College

Sometimes the free market is strange, but it is always interesting. Want to earn that tuition money when times are tight? Well, just sell a kidney! You only need one, after all. But I would counsel caution at fraternity parties.


Anonymous said...

Well I dont think selling a kidney could cover tuition money, but it can surely save more lives. What harm could selling a kidney do. It creates another type of market, saves a person's life, and the giver receives money. It would be a well balance market, because both sides are getting equal benefits. The person receiving the kidney, saves his/her life, and the person giving it receives health insurance and money.

Anonymous said...

This article presents an interesting, if creepy, idea. Some people may think of selling body parts as immoral, but legalizing this action would not only increase the number of kidneys available but would prevent the complications of blackmarket kidney sales (the article states common contractions of hepatitis and HIV, as well as little to no medical follow-up after the surgery). By giving incentives to sell organs, people will obviously be more ready to do so- the same could be applied with bone marrow, blood, and whatever other bodily things can be donated without health risks- possibly some day stem cells. Also, with more kidneys (or whatever else) available, and more surgeries taking place, innovation and improvement of surgeries could take place. And the availability of organs could help to keep the already staggering medical bills at a level price- I think it would be hard to argue that it would decrease the price at all, but it might help to slow the rising costs.

Anonymous said...

Selling your kidney should definitely become legal. I wouldn't sell my kidney, but I'm sure there are lots of people out there who would with the right incentive. Giving them free health insurance would be especially good, because people are bound to be a little concerned that their remaining kidney stays healthy and they don't get stuck waiting for their own donation. And if companies are allowed to sell other people's organs, shouldn't those people be allowed to sell their own organs? And if it was legal, then there wouldn't be extra deaths from "back alley" procedures done illegally and probably not properly. It's not like they're suggesting a kidney "draft," forcing people to donate their kidneys. If a person wants to sell his or her kidney, he should be allowed.

Anonymous said...

yeah jon u tell him. jon tried to get my mom to sign up to sell her organs. organs should deffinitly be allowed to be sold because there is sucha long wait for these organs that people are dieing. and if these people do get a black market organ they go to jail. i saw it on law and order. and in that one movie when denzel takes over the hospital because his son is at the end of the list for an organ. these are examples of why it should be legalized.

Anonymous said...

If someone was in need of a kidney then I see no problem in having someone donate one, but if your removing body organs for money then that’s a little desperate. If you really need money that bad then you should go out and get a job. Since the surgery is safe, if you want to be a good person and save a life by all means do so. Sure creating a new market could help save lives and give donors benefits but with all these people running around with one kidney what happens if your only kidney fails then wont you need the transplant?

Anonymous said...

"Your body is your temple. Treat it as such."
People who are willing to sell a kidney for monetary gain must be uneducated, or just plain irrational and immoral. Your body is your temple, why vandalize it?…except for a very, very good reason. Yet maybe this shows a lot about our nations poor, their desperate position, and their morals and values. That said, I see nothing wrong with benevolently donating a kidney in order to save a life.

Anonymous said...

The legalization of kidney selling is a good idea. It'll create a new market and it will increase the supply of kidneys and more lives will be saved. The donar will be happy because he'll get some money and people will be like "oh he/she is such a nice guy/girl because he/she donated a kidney." Then the reciever will be happy because they get to live. Although it is kinda wierd selling something from your body.

Anonymous said...

Being able to sell your kidney should be legal, not just so donors can make money. If people were allowed to sell their organs, there would be no wait list for people in need of transplants. In fact, the article states that if 0.06% of Americans between 19 and 65 donated a kidney, there would be no waiting list. Also, donors would be able to get health insurance, which they might not be able to get otherwise. In addition, sellers could be tested for drug addiction and diseases, and treated for them. This would reduce the number of diseases transmitted through transplants, common in illegal operations. If selling kidneys was leagalized, everyone would profit.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think selling organs, like kidneys, is the best way to decrease the number of people who die each year while on an organ waiting list. As Spain proves, other methods, such as presuming citizens consent unless otherwise specified, just don't work. I think the idea of selling organs would work much better though because there is a cash incentive involved. In fact, Iran is proof that it works.
Also I see no reason why this is illegal, considering Americans are allowed to buy babies from surrogate mothers, as the article stated. In addition, the dangers related to having kidneys removed on the black market would decrease drastically.
While I don't think legalizing the sale of organs would make millions of Americans rush to the operating table, I do think that the "0.06% of healthy Americans aged between 19 and 65" it would take to eliminate the waiting list for kidneys would definately sign up. And although it wouldn't be able to help much as far as college tuition, any person on an organ waiting list would be overjoyed to have this procedure become legal.

Anonymous said...

i think the whole fact that donating organs isnt a simple, risk-free process. In this way, its not equal on both sides like ana said. The donor has to weigh the risks of a surgery gone wrong or problems later in life against the value of his/her organ and the moral satisfaction of potentially saving a life.

Anonymous said...

I dont't see why we shouldn't be offered money for our organs, personally i see it as property and you just dont't give away property do you. And i'm sure if you wanted to you could say you don't want the money but that would be a poor decision. Also i wonder if the hospitals are buying organs, are they going to charge the person getting the transplant the prive they paid for it?

Anonymous said...

i beleive organ donation is a posotive thing because it allows for more of a supply of kidneys which could greatly become of use to someone in great/dying need of one and the person who donated who is either looking to gain money or stasfaction through helping another person survive or even both will benefit from the donation

Anonymous said...

At first when reading this article I was thinking that selling your kidney for a mere 2,000- 4,000 dollars is insane. But i guess logically it makes sense. If we are willing to donate pints of our blood, or willing to carry someone elses child for 9 months, then whats one surgery? Yes there are risks, but isn't there a risk for everything? If we can live successfully without a kidney, then why shouldn't we be able to sell it? It may seem like an extreme procedure, but as it says in the article, having a kidney removed is as safe as common elective surgeries and even beauty treatments, and people do that every day without blinking an eyelash. I just think that if people are suffering and are willing to pay for a kidney, then why not help them out?

Anonymous said...

i think theres nothing wrong with selling your kidney. it seems like a win win situation. if you are willing to donate your kidney (even if it is for a selfish reason)then why not do it? there are so many deserving, suffering people who NEED a kidney to live. and if weve all got a spare, then why not donate it? its not like there really any major risks in the procedure, and plus, youll have some extra cash which is always fun. and what with college tuition sky rocketing, who doesnt need more money?

Anonymous said...

I think its stupid to sell your kidney for college money, why dont they just ask their parents for the money or take out a loan. Whats mine is mine and I think people that sell their organs for profit are stupid. What if one day their kidney fails but they donated the other one, now they have to wait on a donor list. And plus the for the small amount of money you would get for one kidney, its not worth it, im gonna need more than a couple thousand dollars before i would even consider donating my kidney.