Monday, October 23, 2006

Panama Canal Growth Spurt

The Panama Canal (this link is pretty cool-check it out) is about to get bigger(the required economics stuff). What does this tell us about globalization?


Anonymous said...

The expansion of the Panama Canal is a good idea. Although there may be environmental consequences, the repercussions have been studied and found to be minimal at worst. The budget plan includes 30% cost overturn allowance, so any unforseen cost can be easily taken care of. This project will raise the revenue of the government significantly and cause a large boost in trade in that region.

Anonymous said...

The expansion of the canal is good for the economy. When the canal is completed ships twice the size of Panamax ships can pass through it. This means more goods will be traded YAAAY!!! The fincial part of the expansion will not be a problem because they will raise prices of the tolls and make the money back and then some.

Anonymous said...

In the video the Pananma Canal looks like a huge toll both. And it is amazing the size of the ships that travel through with there cargo. Overall I agree the economically it will be better to expand the Canal since it will allow for more trade which is beneficial for countries. Also it is not to devastating to the enviroment.

Mr. Rood said...

Thank you Matt.

Anonymous said...

The expansion of the Panama Canal is good for trade. The benefits of the expanding canal over power the harmful consequences. The slight corruption to the enviornment is worth intense increase in trade and like Matt said the money will be made back through toll prices being increased and will not be an issue.

Anonymous said...

Expanding the Panama canal can have positive effect on the economy, making trade go up. But it can also make it easier to trasnport more illegal things, and it could have an effect in terrorism, increasing it.

Anonymous said...

the panama canal is a pretty busy place. i would nto like to live near it, just like i wouldnt wanna live near the highway. its expansion tells us that globalization is globalizing and that more stuff is bieng moved around the world. all this stuff is beign sold and stuff. bigger canal means bigger boats which means more stuff which means more economic transactions which will translate into more jobs and the world economy will be better off with the expansion of the panama canal

Anonymous said...

Expanding the Panama Canal will be beneficial to the economy. First, it will obviously increase the profits form the industries that ship the goods. They can now use larger ships which allow them to ship more at a time. Also time of travel will decrease because more ships can access the route because there are now two. The country of Panama will also benefit in the long run. Even though the project will take a large amount of money the income from tolls will be beneficial to Panama’s economy. Panama now will be busier than ever.

Anonymous said...

Although the expansion of the Panama Canal will be beneficial for trading purposes, you do have to look at the environmental effects. The expansion could raise the salt levels in Lake Gutan, a lake through which the canal passes. There is then the controversy of the canal passing through other central american water ways. Overall the expansion of this canal lead to a high increase on the trade routes that the canal serves.

Anonymous said...

Expanding the Panama Canal will be beneficial to the economy. First, it will obviously increase the profits form the industries that ship the goods. They can now use larger ships which allow them to ship more at a time. Also time of travel will decrease because more ships can access the route because there are now two. The country of Panama will also benefit in the long run. Even though the project will take a large amount of money the income from tolls will be beneficial to Panama’s economy. Panama now will be busier than ever.