Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Hy-Wire

Credit to Matt Behan for this one. GM is introducing the Hy- Wire auto, that runs on electricity generated from sea water. It is the kind of technological inspiration that makes me say "it makes too much sense to be true". But it is. The question then is, will US consumers give up their F-150s (the most popular vehicle sold in America) for a sushi mobile? My guess is that will take $100 per tank refills at current values.


Anonymous said...

This is really awesome. I mean it’s about time that someone did this. I can finally stop filling up my gas tank and empting my wallet. Also the fact that u can change the body of the car in about 30min is pretty cool (thought I wonder how much that would cost)
I can’t wait until it’s at my local GMC dealer. However I think I will wait a while to see if this car lives up to the hype

Mr. Rood said...

I think you are going to have a long wait at the dealership.

Anonymous said...

This is a great, to have the ability to stop emptying youir wallets for filling up your F-150 for a car that runs on sea water. this could greatly effect the economy if by lowering the demand for gas if the prices get to high and buyers refuse to pay those costs or if gas prices begin to get to high buyers could look to new technology such as this car to effect the economy and the technology it has to offer

Anonymous said...

The concept of a car that runs on electricity generated from sea water is something that will make environmentalists happy as well as make our wallets heavier. This idea will lower the demand of gas because technology would add a substitute good into the market. There would also be less car exhaust making the environment cleaner. This model however would take some time getting used to. Besides its very futuristic look the whole concept of driving is changed as pedals are no longer necessary. The demo of him driving is surreal as it is almost like a video game. Although this model seems great it won't stop people from buying bigger cars in situations where they need it like for work purposes. In conclusion this car is a big step in finding the best way to power motor vehicles.

Anonymous said...

want better mpg switch too diesel. they said in the video that the car could power half his block well keep it at powering houses and out of cars there is just no subsitute for the sound of a diesel engine. and if you really do want to control the gas with your hands go pick up your nascar racing game and put it in your ps2 and knock your self out.

Anonymous said...

Although this concept of an electric car generated from sea water seems pretty practical, im not sure it could take the place of many of the bub mobiles in our town. You just cant go anywhere in East Hampton without hearing loud engines and seeing big trucks..

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to be pretty positive about this idea, and i am aswell, i jsut seem to think that there are some hidden setbacks no one seems to adress. The bottom line is that as of now we have gas cars, and gas stations, the problem is that the switch will be what is going to take so long to get past. the technolgy is here but unfortanatly the nuances biult into our society are still heavely gas driven. Another problem is that that car costs 5 milliond dollars, or whatever unit that man gave, and no matter 5 million seems like alot. but i guess nobody said that this would be happening soon, giving the car the 10 years they talked about and we will see afordable fuel cells and water stations to fill them up at.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a great idea to have a car powered on sea water. This is a great idea help the enviornment. It will also be a great way to save money on gas. Although the car itself will be expensive it has very many advantages. It's not the best looking car but I think that it will be very common in like 20 years and they will make better models of it. The replaceable frames is a great idea because then people wont need to have multiple cars they will be able to change their family car into a work truck or a convertible.

Anonymous said...

This car is amazing and hopefully will be mass-produced within the next few years. However, the technology for hydrogen cars has been around for a while, and I am skeptical that it will suddenly become fashionable to drive eco-friendly cars and use alternative energy sources. Of course that may all change when the polar ice caps have melted and seas have risen...

Anonymous said...

this is crazy. it seems to be good for the enviorment and people would definatly like it especially in the cities or congested areas where big trucks aren't needed, who knows it might help end the suv era.

Anonymous said...

i'm in! i thought the smart car was cool. i'll just drive down to the beach like i do every day and fill up, not bad. i like that you can change in a half hour from car to truck to people mover, all in one. nature lovers are going to be stoked that its not going to be polluting the air. someone tell them to hurry up.