Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Richest Americans

It is always fun to see just how filthy rich people can become in this country, but also interesting to see what companies made them rich, and what that says about our economy. Check out the 400 Wealthiest Americans, and be sure to note what company they are associated with.


Anonymous said...

Some of the successful companies are surprisingly random- I would've thought Amazon makes more money than Beanie Babies, or that Intel makes more than Star Wars. Also interesting is the relationship between the age of the billionaires and how they made their fortunes. At around the 50-year mark, the sources of income shift from traditional things like investments, banking, real estate, etc to technological things like eBay, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.

Anonymous said...

i think that it is crazy that the same family members "the walton" runs the walmat market. I guess the real "Walmart" guy died and tried to spread his wealth out to all of his children. I am suprised to see Reebok on this list b/c it is considered a dead company, and suprised to see that starbucks is so low with the way people buy it out here one would assume that it would be up by Bill Gates

Anonymous said...

I thought it was interesting that the youngest people on this list, who were in their 30's, were on there for internet companies like google and yahoo, while the oldest man, who was 97, was on there for potatoes... I also noticed that people associated with pizza, cheese and salsa companies were higher up on the list than those with Reebok or Semiconductors. It's obvious where our country's interests lie.

Anonymous said...

This article surprised me alot because it is really random that a internet company such as google is making more money than the oil companies. Also that "candy" makes more money than apple computers. Companies make more money by providing daily uses than just big sales.

Anonymous said...

I think its interesting that enterprise rentacar makes so much money because yesterday i was in a enterprise rentacar in the dirty dirty visiting emory. Its weird that alot of the billionares arent from big cities. i have a dell computer. i have nike shoes. i have reebok shoes. i buy mucho stuff on ebay. i eat candy. i ride in enterprise rentacars. i might go on a carnival cruise this spring break. i buy stuff at walmart. microsoft is in my computer. i use oil. i search on google. i have zillions of beaniebabys. we have kohler plumbing fixtures in my house. i watch star wars. one guy is rich from potatoes and microchips?
and i view ur emails on yahoo, u send alot of them, hence, im there alot, but im really not cuz i never check them, but if did view all ur emails, i would be on yahoo alot.

Anonymous said...

It's really interesting to look and see who makes the most money in America and how. I am surprised to see that Google is very far ahead of Yahoo. I personally prefer Google but it seems like everyone else like Yahoo. Yahoo has so many more links and things to use while Google is just a search engine that is surprising to me. I also can't believe McDonalds is on the list and Subway is thats weird.

Anonymous said...

It's really amazing to me that people can make so much money from such a simple idea. Like Candy for instance.. who knew you could make 10.5 billion!? thats crazy! And the fact that no one recognizes a man worth 2.5 billion until he makes a contribution of 70 million! Thats just madness!