Tuesday, September 19, 2006

An Oil-Fueled Boomtown in Canada's Subarctic

This is an interesting story on a classic oil boomtown, in yes, Canada. Please comment on the effects that the boom has had on this once, very isolated area. What are some of the charachteristics of a boomtown, and how does economic change affect society? Make sure to check out the "operations" video.


Anonymous said...

i really just don't understand why these oil workers are making six figure sums-albeit canadian dollars.

Anonymous said...

What I found strange was the apparent level of waste oil and money in this scenario. Money is being thrown around, and people are buying larger and larger cars and trucks (which are probably less fuel efficient). It seems like there is no understanding of consequences to action-- people area acting as if the oil will last forever, and instead of even extracting it responsibly and perhaps saving money, people are just trying to get as much as possible. Its also interesting how much the price of living has risen (trailers cost 300k and stores are charging triple prices for food). In essence, most of the people who come to get rich make larger sums of money, but they also have to spend a lot more just to get the basic neccesity of life. Yet the workers are still coming to work in -40 degree weather.