Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Has America Lost its Edge?

The capital of capitalism losing a global edge to... Switzerland...Finland...Denmark? Tell us what you think about these global rankings by Forbes.


Anonymous said...

What a great site! I'm impressed by the great stuff you've pulled together. It merely confirms my long-held belief that economics CAN be interesting.

All the best,
Charlie Wheelan
aka The Naked Economist

Anonymous said...

I dont think America has lost its edge at all, I think that most countries are "sharpening" their edgesd based off of many American advances. Many Countries at the top of the list have a rich a long history which is not comparative to the history of the United States. With the United States still a considerably new country we should take it as a complement that most of the top countries have taken a fews hints from our stable government etc. The amazing technological advances we have made have pushed other countries to create even more. After so many years many countries are falling into a comfortable place with stable governments, public health, education, and an innovative society. We can only hope that in the coming years countries such as Nepal and Zimbabwe begin to build a base in which they can grow comfortable on.

Anonymous said...

wow i never would have thought china was ranked 54th. and all cause the WEF see its state controlled banking structure as a weakness. well atleast its good to ee the Us didnt fall out fo the top 10.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that just because the US isn't ranked number one that it's 'loosing its edge,' as its still ranked in the top ten. The article points out the stable governments are the key to these healthy economies, and the top three- Switzerland, Findland, and Denmark- are acknowledged as typically staying to their own affairs and maintaining stability. Could the US's six place ranking be reflective of uncertain times in our government? The actions of the US are causing growing concerns around the world, and while our government is considered stable compared to most, our policy and actions are not stable or consistent. While the US obviously has a strong economy, I think this could be a factor in its sixth place ranking.

Anonymous said...

I think the ranking is bull... America is obvy #1

Anonymous said...

I feel that America has not lost its edge. Even though the country has slipped 5 places overall, the US is ranked 1st in one category and 2nd in two others. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I guess the Euro is doing well, since 7 of the top 10 countries are European ones. As for Itlay slipping, I wasn't too surprised-Mrs. Swickard mentioned something about Italy's economic problems in our Italian class.

Anonymous said...

I dont feel that america has lost its edge, there are just other countries finding theirs. It states in the article that one of the resons Switzerland made the number one spot was because of its high scores for the quality of institutions, and high level of technological innovation. Although the United States will continue to be a powerful, competitive country, it needs to focus more on technology and institutions, because these are the things that are going to shape the countries future so it can one day go back up to the number one spot.

Anonymous said...

America hasnt lost its edge in capitalism, but the other countries are catching on and getting with the program. Share the wealth, you can be the best at everything. Maybe if we werent in such deep debt we would be higher, but the top 10's good enough

Anonymous said...

right kristen brady

she is right, we have not "lost its edge" but all those stupid other counties are just catching on to our genius system.....


Anonymous said...

America obviously has lost their edge according to these results. This isn't to say that they can't take the lead again. Maybe america has been too confident and needs to "step their game up". As for now the icy homes are the capitalist champs.