Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Gas Prices come down- How is that bad?

Have gasoline prices changed your behavior? If demand declines, what happens to suppliers? Less incentive to invest in alternative sources of energy! What do you think is the market equillibrium? How low will oil go ? Listen to these two reports and comment.


Anonymous said...

I'm certainly not complaining that gas prices are declining. But because of human nature, it probably won't end up being very good for the environment. The sharp rise in gas prices gave people who could afford it the incentive to invest in the creation of energy sources to replace gasoline. Now that prices are declining, people are buying more gas again and fewer people are looking for ways to lessen the impact on the environment. Lower gas prices will give consumers more money to put into other areas of the economy which will improve the economy in the short term, but in the end the damage we have done on the environment will catch up with us. The longer we continue to use gasoline, the more difficult it will become to reverse global warming and other such effects. Investing in alternative energy will be more costly for us currently, but would be much worth the while down the road.

Anonymous said...

I figured out how to blog mr rood! and im actually doing it too. So pretty much gas is taking over my life since i started driving and im dead broke, so im all for the gas going as low as possible. Last week i filled up for 3.55 a gallon and this week for 2.97, down south it was 2.07? how is this possible? i can deal with that. I still think i would go for the hybrid than the F-25000000 or whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

I think that the declining gas prices are great. Though some believe higher gas prices will make people think about buying more fuel efficient cars(and it will), what about people that already have cars, and dont want to buy a new fuel efficient car, or a hybrid. I think the real solution is hydrogen, though it is five to ten years off, it will end up solving all of the problems of bad emmissions.

Anonymous said...

I am very happy about the recent decline in gas prices even though i think that lowering gas prices just makes everyone less concience of the amount of fuel they use. Because gas prices used to be low, America became an SUV dominated country. This was becuase oil was so cheap that people were able to afford gas gusilers. Mini Cooper has just announced that it will release its tiny two seater that is currently in Europe because they now think America is ready for it with the shift to smaller cars because of high gas prices. But if gas prices keep droping they will have to pull their idea of bringing it over to the states. So with the lower gas prices comes more fuel consumption and it ends up everyone is still paying a lot. But I still like the lower gas prices.

Anonymous said...

Lower gas prices are cool and all, but honestly they still dont effect the hamptons. Out here gas prices do not drop because of the "hamptons inflation". This is what i believe happens with just about ever item out here. Gas prices lower overall will end up hurting our worlds ozone, but in the shortrun i really like it.

Anonymous said...

Our country cannot begin to move in the right dirrection on environmental policy until we start paying realistic prices for gas. European countries have been paying more for years, and they all have smaller, more environmentally friendly cars. The SUV/ Truck craze is getting riddiculous. I'm so sick of hearing about how everyone needs a pickup truck. Just because someone fixes up his house a little once a year doesn't mean hes a freaking carpenter who requires a truck for his job. Most if not all of the kids and teachers at our school who have pickup trucks don't need them. But people will keep buying these cars unless we make them pay for all the costs of burning that much gas gas.

Mr. Rood said...

Hey! Don't take away my truck!

Anonymous said...

The decline of gas prices has become very interesting. I now sometimes wait to buy gas because if i wait gas might drop even more. Just last week i got gas for 3.09 just to see it drop to 2.92 a few days later. Also on bus rides up to cross country meets it is fun to watch the decline in prices as we go west. The falling of gas prices will cause driving to increase. Also people will begin to be less concerned with the increase in gas consumption. Gas will continue to dictate many things in our society unless we figure out how to handle it.

Anonymous said...

I just got a new car and I finally have to pay for gas and I can already see that that is going to be a problem. I am definetly not complaining about the prices of gas declining. Of course the decline in gas prices is going to increase the usage of gas and not be good for the enviornment but for the time being personally the decline in gas prices makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

Admit that you don't need a truck, Rood.

Mr. Rood said...

How am I going to get the garbage to the dump? It will stink up the BMW that all of us teachers can afford. Leather seats- you know.
Back on planet earth, I have found it very useful, albeit part time. If it makes you feel any better, the second car in the Rood fleet is a station wagon with 150K miles. Lots of kids pack in that one. And 25mpg.

Anonymous said...

The decline of gas prices is very good for the consumer. However, if the gas prices go down too much it could hurt the economy. The high price of gas sparked developement of domestic oil refining. It also increased the need to research alternate energy methods which would help us more in the long run than the decrease of gas price and increased dependency on ohter countries for oil.

Anonymous said...

The recent decrease in gas prices is good for consumers. I feel that this is making people drive more, so pollution is increasing in the process. I know that every one is excited over the less expensive gas prices, but I think that this was just a stunt pulled by the Republicans to gain popularity. They want to remain in control of Congress, so they did this just to make people happy. I don't want to sound like someone who has lost hope, but I think that after this Tuesday's election, we will see an increase in the gas prices again. The rest of my family thinks this too, all my relatives refueled their homes this past week because of this.