Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Dark Side of Scarcity

Thanks to Keith Fiore for the heads up on this one. It seems as though the 10th anniversary Tickle Me Elmos are hitting the market, and things are getting ugly early. Apparently there are professional toy traders packing heat to get at these things. Make sure to watch the video.


Anonymous said...

I work at a toy store in town and my boss tried to order this doll the day after it was revealed on good morning America. Normally this is not something she would buy because she likes more traditional stuffed animals. However a lot of people came in to buy it so she decided to give it a shot. She was unable to order any because the entire limited amount of dolls had been sold. I think it is crazy to want a doll that falls over laughing in the first place. Yea it might be cute at first but look at how annoying and creepy Ferbie got. I think I will stick to the regular stuffed toys it seems a lot safer.

Anonymous said...

I found this article very funny and interesting. And I loved when the man who got a hold of two Tickle Me Elmos, said "You know how drug dealers have corners; I think I hit his target corner up."
Honestly, what is this world coming to that we need to attack eachother in a target for a little ugly red doll. I just hope OUR target doesnt roll like that!

Anonymous said...

what the hell

Anonymous said...

what the hell

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well, looks like my little brother wont be getting that for Christmas

Anonymous said...

These people need to get lives...its just a stupid toy! Their kids can wait for it..i dont think paying $400 for a doll is the smartest choice.

Anonymous said...

I find it insane that people would pay so much for a doll just to gane appreciation from their family. The sale of these dolls shows the deterioration of American family morals. This is one purchase that is merely for happiness and not for utility, what is a talking elmo going to do for you? Personally if i was planning on purchasing a product with no major utility I would but a vacation instead of a stupid talking toy