Saturday, September 02, 2006

California moves to control greenhouse gasses

California has proposed to place severe limits on emmissions generated by electricity plants. Will this be a benefit to California and the rest of the nation, as it would result in lower CO2 levels, and spur the devlepment of "green" technology? Or is it an unwise "free-rider" regulation where the utilities bear the costs of emissions regulation, and others benefit, where the developing world is where the real problem exists. Watch this video clip and comment.


Anonymous said...

I believe that the limitation on emmissions on electricty plants will benefit California and the rest of the nation. Lower CO2 levels wil make the US less polluted. The limitations would cause electricity companies to develop "green" technology which would be beneficial for the long run.

Chris Fitzgerald

Anonymous said...

Even though California may have good intentions in limiting emmissions, the outcome will probably not be as effective as they planned; the cost of electricity and transportation will go up for California residents, while people living in western Nevada or Arizona will benefit from cleaner air at no extra cost.