Monday, June 19, 2006

One Red Paper Clip- Up By Popular Demand

One red paper clip is what Kyle started with to trade with in the quest for a house. Each time he makes a trade, remember it is voluntary, and both parties gaine from the trade.


Mr. Rood said...

Then how could anyone account for the success of Calvin Klein, Bill Levitt, or Steve Jobs? Will people pay a premium (intangible opportunity cost) to be hip and with it? We live in the Hamptons. Why is our potato field better (or more expensive in dollar terms)than the one in Idaho?
And the scientific method should never be applied to econ. That is why Carslyle called it the "dismal science"

Mr. Rood said...

Well, thats great but you have to justify that love.
Now can I ask- what is the power of the net? Kyle could have been standing on some corner in Canada hawing a red paper clip. What does the net do for him? He couldn't make those trades without the net, but he did with it.

Anonymous said...

If I could go from a red paper clip to a house I would definitley do it. Thats baller. Too bad this house is in Canada.

Mr. Rood said...

So is a capitalist a "hustler"? Does the market system reward hustlers?

Anonymous said...

basically i agree with laura, this really shows how one persons trash can be another persons treasure- to go from a paper clip to a HOUSE thats insane.

Mr. Rood said...

Ever been to a gargae sale? One man's (or woman's) trash is another's treasure.

Anonymous said...

Kyle shouldn't have stopped at the house he got; he should have put his house back on the market and tried to trade for a bigger one. After all, someone would probably have been willing to give up his mansion in California for a little shack in Canada...

Anonymous said...

This is crazy that through a series of trades, starting out with something so insignifant such as a red paper clip and keep trading that you could end up with a house. as lame as this sounds, it shows beauty is in the eye of the beholder, except in this case the importance is in the eye of the trader. and also it proves how everyone can benefit from a trade (on a larger scale countries trading not just individuals).

Anonymous said...

i do agree Mr. Rood that KISS snow globe was pritty cool. maybe if i start trading i could get one too i do have a thumb tac i a willing to trade.