Sunday, April 23, 2006

First and Last Assignment

Ok, here is the first assignment.

AP Economics
Mr. Rood
Final Evaluation
Fill in the blank of the following sentence:
The Economics of ____________________.
Relate your subject to the use of approximately 10 economic principles.
Examples of topics are: the economics of living in a small or large family, the economics of eating 10 soft tacos, or the economics of dating. Use your imagination. Unacceptable topics include any subject that would be inappropriate for discussion in a public high school. Use your discretion wisely. Be creative, and humorous, but not foolish. Topics are to be non-typical economic issues, the principles must be economic. You may use your notes or book to do this assignment. Principles presented in this course can be found in the “key ideas” section of the workbook and “ideas for beyond the final exam” section in the text.
You may use power point, poster, movie or written analysis to present your work, or any other creative method of your choice. For non written presentations, a written summary must be handed in, no longer than 500 words, with the economic principles in bold. You may work in pairs, but both of you must be able to show an equal amount of effort, and in the same section of AP Econ. You will present your work in class the week of May 22. Presentations are limited to 5 minutes. There will be a 5 minute question and answer component. All projects are due in full no later than Thursday, May 25.
The project will be worth 150 points. You will be graded on your economic principles selected, the creativity of your topic, the method of presentation, the accuracy of your analysis, and the economic content of your work. Your project should show a complete understanding of various economic principles you have accumulated during this course. Economic principles may be chosen from the entire year’s worth of information.

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